Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2009
The word Heading presents several references.
On the one hand, the item will be designated as sector, set of companies or businesses that are included in a differentiated area within the economic activity and productive.
Also, in the notices classified, each of the sections in which these sectors are grouped, will be designated with the term of category. For example, where we most frequently find classified ads is in a newspaper or Newspaper, meanwhile, the most common items that usually appear in them and in which the people Take the opportunity to publish your notices, needs or offers, among others, the following are included: Health, renting rooms, renting real estate, buying and selling real estate, buying and selling automobiles, transport, jobs requested and offered, various, personal home of family offered, among others.
And the last of the uses of the word, At the behest of an accounting context, it says that item is the title that groups together a set of accounts.
Because when preparing a budget, it must be divided into items, according to the type of budget that is made, there will be different items. For example, if you have to make a territorial budget, its divisions will be: north zone, south zone, west zone, east zone, among others.
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