Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2011
The word bombastic it's a adjective that we usually use to account for what is ostentatious or showy. It can be an object, a lifestyle, a way of speaking, a good, among other options.
Meanwhile, the word bombastic is closely linked to the concept of luxury; luxury turns out to be those goods, arrangements, manufactures, works of art or objects that exceed what is necessary, that is, without them, individuals could live peacefully and without problems, luxury, luxurious things, bombastic, what they do is give you more quality of life to an existence. There are many people who believe that the possession of valuable material goods makes for happiness, then, they live by cultivating them and they live according to obtaining them and that they never lack.
But of course, the bombastic is not usually available to anyone, because it surpasses the normal means; the demand for the luxurious, for the expensive, will increase as the income of money increases.
Among the goods and services that have a bombastic version are:
automobiles, housing, clothing (fur), footwear, furniture, jewelry, tableware, watches and technological items such as (Led televisions, Smartphone), hotels, restaurants, food, among others.A good one expression bombastic style is undoubtedly the Baroque, as the artistic style that dominated Europe during the early seventeenth and late eighteenth centuries and it was expressed mainly in painting, architecture, the music, the sculpture, the literature. It is located between the Renaissance and the Neoclassic. The concept proposed by the Baroque was the realization of a monumental art, luxurious and ornate to the extreme.
Themes in Bombastic