Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, on Feb. 2010
The term duties refers to the activities, acts and circumstances that imply a certain obligation moral or ethics. Generally, duties are related to certain attitudes that all human beings, regardless of their origin, ethnicity, age or living conditions are obliged to comply in order to assure the rest of humanity the possibility of living in peace, with dignity and with certain mod cons. Duties are, then, one of the most important points of all systems of laws and national constitutions. because they have to do with achieving community forms and more balanced societies where everyone has equal access to their Rights.
Whenever we talk about duties, we refer in one way or another to some kind of obligation, be it moral, economic, social or politics. Duties can be implicitly or explicitly established in a society and this has to do with the traditions specific to each community as well as the notion of survival of the same (since the duties many times they are related to the permanence of the most optimal conditions for the development of such community). In many cases, modern duties such as paying taxes, observing rules of the road,
participation policy or compliance with certain levels of literacy, are in addition to traditional laws and duties that have always existed in all societies.It is worth noting that duty is the opposite side of right, but they are also close allies since to have certain rights we must fulfill a series of duties, for example if we want to buy something we must work. We are always obliged to duty, either because it is mandated by current regulations, a custom, a rule religious or a moral mandate, among others.
If we do not comply with the established duties, we will be punished in a coercive manner, paying a fine or going to prison, in the most serious cases.
Meanwhile, in the case of moral duties, it will be our conscience that judges us when regrets appear.
So, one of the most important points of duties is the moment in which they are linked to the notion of rights. Normally, it is considered that the fulfillment of the duties of one person has to do with respecting the rights of another. Therefore, both are related and are in the same way essential so that the members of a society can coexist in an orderly and organized way. The contrast of duties / rights is inherent in each and every one of the individuals that make up a society.
Be aware of our duties and our rights
There will be awareness of duties and rights when in a given legal system, the individuals who form part of him ´know perfectly what their duties are and what their rights are based on the regulations that governs. Without this awareness, it is feasible that those rights and duties are immortalized in a written document and remain there.
But without a doubt, when the conscience is active and based on life in society, it will be much easier to solve Conflicts in those cases that exist and then, for example, it will be possible to avoid reaching a litigation, something long and cumbersome.
So if one party consciously knows that he has a duty to another and fulfills it, then it will not be necessary for the other party to demand anything from him because he knows that he will fulfill her duty. This situation of course contributes directly and effectively to having a harmonious and peaceful coexistence in society.
Now, for the above to be fulfilled, the presence of three elements will be necessary, in principle in knowledge of the norm, that is, if someone does not know this or that norm it will be really impossible for them to comply with it, the I watched. On the other hand, it will also be necessary to have a social movement that it lasts over time and that of course it requires effective compliance with the norm. And finally the presence of organisms who are in charge of monitoring compliance with the rules, especially in those cases in which it is not present and there may be a predisposition to non-observance of the rules.
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