Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2016
Delight is a sensation pleasant about something. As a form of pleasure, delight produces personal satisfaction and a certain degree of well-being. It is a state of mind generally produced by things that are pleasant to the intellect or the senses.
Examples of situations in which we delight
Each individual delights in his own way. However, certain things satisfy most people. Thus, we can enjoy a good meal with a quality wine and in good company. See an interesting movie, listen music Pleasantness or reading a book are equally actions that produce satisfaction and, therefore, delight.
Artistic manifestations have an aesthetic component that awakens sensitivity and this leads to pleasure, just as it can happen when witnessing a exposition art or theatrical performance. Some very simple things can also wake up our emotions, like a walk through the Mountain on spring wave observation of the sea or of the stars.
What delights one person may be boring and unstimulating to another. Despite this, we all seek to experience situations that make us feel good.
The delight and the senses
Our brain processes the information that the senses provide. Thus, the sense of sight is stimulated with aesthetically pleasing images. The other senses (taste, hearing, smell, and touch) come into contact with reality and feelings of pleasure or displeasure are produced. The former produce delight and the latter generate rejection and discomfort.
The senses act as biological mechanisms but at the same time they can be educated through culture and learning. This is what happens with certain flavors and smells, which are initially unpleasant and with the passage of time end up producing a certain delight.
Delight as an expression of pleasure
From the point of view of brain biochemistry, human beings have an instinctive inclination towards pleasure. In other words, we avoid suffering and seek what we find stimulating.
The concept of pleasure is very complex, as it depends on the subjectivity of each person and individual and social values. However, we could say that we are "programmed" to feel pleasure. Delight is a moderate and serene manifestation of pleasure. On the contrary, there are more intense pleasant actions, such as the feeling of love.
Photos: iStock - oneinchpunch / AleksandarNakic
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