Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jun. 2010
The term deficiency refers to any element, thing or situation that is not perfect or that has some type of imperfection, lack or defect.
That or that which is not perfect
The deficiency or the quality of being deficient means that an element, a person or a certain situation are not completely efficient, therefore they are erroneous or failed. Deficiency can apply to both things and people, in which case it may sound like a term very pejorative and derogatory, if it is considered that individuals have different capacities or 'efficiencies'. This is especially true when it comes to people with disabilities, who in some settings are often mistakenly regarded as handicapped.
When we speak of deficiency we are pointing out that, for example, a certain object or element does not can fully comply with the functions that have been conferred on the origin, or for which it was built. In this sense, it is very common to apply the notion of deficiency on elements or things that are related to current technology. Thus, when such phenomena stop working or cannot work directly, they are considered defective or deficient. This is very common with everyday appliances and not so much with the machines of
investigation that must be very accurate and reliable.Repair or replacement of equipment that does not work
It is common for the constant use over time of some equipment and devices to generate natural wear and tear on them that will cause them to start working slower, in a poor way, let's say. Meanwhile, faced with this situation we have several alternatives, replace them with the same new equipment, or, failing that, repair what is causing your deficiency and thus return operability.
When we begin to confirm that an equine is not working as usual, the ideal is to take it to a professional to review it and tell us which one is the best. solution: fix it or directly replace it. Because many times the repair can be more expensive than the replacement with a new equipment.
We commonly call technical service to those places and professionals that are exclusively dedicated to the revision and repair of artifacts, machinery or devices. They will surely ask us to leave the Article in question to review it and in a few days they call us to provide us with information regarding their problems and the costs involved in their fix.
Employee who does not perform their tasks correctly
When we notice the presence of poor qualities in a person, the term is usually used apply in the workplace to indicate that such an individual does not perform his tasks correctly and activities. Then, it will be said that this or that employee performs a poor job.
Lack of preparation to deploy the position, studies, lack of interest, are usually some of the most common causes that are identified when there is a deficiency in an employee.
The first two are easy to repair since the employee can be encouraged to take a special training course. trainingMeanwhile, disinterest is an issue that the company will not be able to resolve per se.
The inefficiency of an employee is an essential issue to be resolved by the company that has hired him because otherwise such issue will have a negative impact on the productivity of the company.
Mobility and mental deficiencies
On the other hand, when the term is applied to people, it may be referring to the deficiency that a person presents regarding his health, the most common being mobility and the mental.
The first involves a neural problem that directly affects a person's movements. Those who suffer from this problem cannot move or coordinate their movements in a compliant way.
Meanwhile, mental impairment implies a deficit in cognitive ability, which generally arises in the childhood, and that prevents the person who suffers from behaving and learn in a normal way.
This term is not usually found in other issues as long as it is talking about people. However, some specialists in issues such as psychology they may use it from time to time to refer to specific shortcomings or shortcomings of an individual. For example, it can be said that a person has emotional deficiencies, that is, that he cannot relate to others or express his feelings, feelings in the right way or like others do.
Issues in Deficiency