Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2013
The word Lady It is a term that is widely used in our language and that we normally use to refer to various issues.
One of the most widespread uses of the term allows referring to a woman. It is common that in public spaces we find the denomination of ladies when it comes to distinguishing those spaces that are intended for the exclusive use of women. It is rather a use of courtesy. The opposed lady is Knight, which just designates man.
On the other hand and traditionally this word has been used to refer to that woman who has a noble origin or is characterized by her great distinction.
It should be noted that the term dama is used in association with another word to name the various types of ladies with which we can run into, among them: Lady of company(This is how the personal assistants of the queens, princesses, or another prominent woman of the nobility were called in the past. They generally also had a noble origin but belonged to a lower rank than the lady they served),
Bridesmaid (She is the woman who accompanies the bride in her wedding celebration. This is usually a close friend), and first lady (In some nations of the world where there is a presidential system, the president's wife. She must comply with formal activities, accompanying her husband on trips and events and in most cases she develops and directs charitable works).In the context playful, the word lady is also widely used since it designates a popular board game played by two competitor and that consists of mobilizing the pieces of a board in a diagonal way and starting from black and white squares. The purpose is to capture the greatest amount of pieces or queens of the opponent by jumping them. The pieces are also called checkers.
And in the Chess, the lady turns out to be the most important piece. It is also known as queen.
Themes in Lady