Definition of Tragic Ten (1913)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2018
Once the Revolution in 1910 in which General Porfirio Díaz was overthrown, new events arrived that convulsed the nation. Between February 9 and 19, 1913, a singular episode in the history of Mexico, the Tragic Ten.
The cast of the movie"
If the Tragic Ten were a movie, the distribution of the papers could be the following: Francisco Madero (the naive president), Gustavo Madero (brother loyal to the president), Bernardo Reyes (general imprisoned for revolting against Madero), Félix Díaz (another general enemy of Madero), Henry Lane Wilson (United States ambassador who supports the coup military), José Maria Pino (vice president and man of honor), Victorian vegetable plot (the traitor).
Chronology of events
In early 1913 the government of President Francisco Madero was in a crisis situation politics and institutional.
On the day of February 9, a group of 400 members of the army rose up against the president. After releasing two former Porfiristas, Félix Díaz and Bernardo Reyes, from prison, they barricaded themselves in the Citadel of the capital.
When the president heard about the uprising, he made the decision to appoint Victoriano Huerta as the new military commander. This decision was key to the course of events, since Huerta was part of the conspiracy against the president.
The United States ambassador supported the rebels and threatened the president with a possible intervention military to resign his position.
On February 19, the confrontation between the rebels and the members of the army came to an end.
During the days of the Tragic Ten, there were shootings throughout the capital. The corpses accumulated in the streets and to avoid possible epidemics the decision was made to incinerate them.
If Francisco Madero had trusted the word of his brother, the outcome of the Tragic Ten would have been very different
On the night of February 17, the president's brother (Gustavo Madero) met with Victoriano Huerta and Francisco Madero. At that moment Gustavo told his brother that Huerta was a traitor and that he had the evidence to prove it. Instead of hear The words of his own brother, Madero decided to trust Huerta.
The following day, Victoriano Huerta gave the order for a squad of soldiers to enter the National Palace. Madero, his brother, and Vice President Pino Suárez were arrested. A few days later all three were killed.
Themes in Tragic Ten (1913)