Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2012
Purification could be explained in practical and general terms as a cleaning of something that is considered wrong, negative or dangerous in an organism, object, etc. Whenever we talk about debugging we are referring not only to cleaning as any another but to a type of cleaning that is much deeper, thought and controlled with a purpose specific. Thus, the term can be applied when talking about the debugging of the Water to transform it into drinking water (a cleaning that requires a lot of effort and without which the water could not be consumed), the debugging of a computer system (in which case we would be talking about computer errors or viruses that can put in danger the good functioning of an appliance), etc.
The term purification is a very common term, as one might suppose, in the field of medicine and pharmacy. This is so since, as mentioned above, the idea of debugging always implies that there is a Malignant or dangerous presence that can threaten the proper functioning or well-being of the organism. For this reason, purification in medicine can refer, for example, to cleaning
stomach that a person should receive before the consumption exaggerated of malignant substances, in the presence of cancer cells, in the face of a disease virus, in the face of infections that can occur from very deep burns, etc. Both medical and pharmaceutical treatments will aim to thoroughly cleanse the body and avoid the complications that all these and other situations could represent for the same.There is a way of using the term purification that is very negative and that has been associated with different very cruel and dark historical phenomena. In the social sphere, purification refers to a racist and xenophobic concept or idea that some societies have shown in specific moments regarding social, ethnic or cultural groups with which they lived and that, according to the former, represented a danger for your safety. Thus, the Nazi cleansing of Jews, Poles or Afro-Americans as well as the cleansing of Armenians caused by the Turks, the purification of aborigines carried out in America has had always one connotation negative since it represents the elimination and extermination of an ethnic or social group in a violent and very cruel way.
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