Definition of Canon Law
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, on Feb. 2017
It understands the defense and order of the church at the legal level, providing it with legal powers in relation to his activities and problem solving, such is the case of the constant abuse of minors. This last aspect is one of the main areas in which the figure of the Right Canonical, allowing the church to somehow take care of what happens within its walls, and can - or at least try - to keep it, silent.
The compendium that establishes the foundations of current canon law has its roots in 1917, and was later revised in 1983 by John Paul II himself. It is set out in seven books, each one stating how to proceed in the face of special contexts. One of the chapters is precisely destined to the imposition of sanctions, and in this way we observe an orientation towards the scenario in which priests are accused of rape of minors, who are transferred to other places of the church, in other countries even. Of course, the orientation that one can access is free to be interpreted according to the needs of the moment.
The regulation of marriage and the regulation of the church
It is in this legal framework from which rules are regulated to defend the rights and obligations of those involved in the marriage contract. For example, matrimonial law regulates situations such as the handling of a divorce. Or also, a case of nullity. For example, matrimonial law establishes under what criteria the annulment can be requested and when not.
Beyond the love with which the bonds of a couple are born in their initial phase, relationships can derive in such a complex way if the relationships change. feelings that, for this reason, the legal regulation of possible situations that generate tension in the members of the couple when they decide to break this bond is so important.
For example, the church has the authority of Canonical Marriage Law. Professionals studying law at university may specialize in this thematic that, in addition, currently, given the high number of divorces and separations, has a wide offer of employment.
They are experts who have high professional skills thanks to a high legal knowledge, being experts in Canon Law and taking steps before the competent ecclesiastical court. Thus, experts in this field are figures family support by acting as mediators offering guidance and counseling. Canonical matrimonial law objectively evaluates each cause following the criteria of justice.
From the point of view of matrimonial law, the laws relating to this context are in harmony with the dignity of the person and the affectivity which is the basis of marriage and also, of the bonds between loved ones that arise in the family plane. Canon law also integrates the crisis situation in the matrimonial will.
Professionals working in ecclesiastical courts
Those who work in canonical courts are attorneys, psychologists, judges, lawyers and notaries who resolve each case through a interpretation objective of the norms, under the watchful eye of the church.
Photos: Fotolia - T0m15 / Comugnero Silvana
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