Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2013
The word disorder we use it extensively to refer to the absence of the order that exists in a certain place where there was precisely order at some point.
Lack of order
In other words, there are things or parts that correspond to a whole that should be organized in a certain place or in a given way and they are not because someone contributed to its disorganization.
“ My house is a huge mess since my sister arrived, she is very messy!”
Disorder is a very frequent state of affairs in various spaces, in a person's home or family, in an office, and even in public space.
There are people who are prone to disorganization and therefore live in a disorderly context, while there are others who do not and who just can't stand disorder; Normally, when these two positions face each other, an imbalance and push is generated, especially by those who seek to combat disorder.
Public riot or revolt
On the other hand, it is also common for us to use the word disorder to indicate that
situation in which a public riot or revolt predominates, that is, that context in which disturbance of public order that was experienced at some point and that for x cause was broken.The context of disorder is basically characterized by the presence of a group of people who may be more or less important but that make a lot of noise, uproar and scandal, with their voices or with their actions completely out of touch with order and harmony.
“The nation is going through a time of great disorder after the untimely death of the president.”
RevoltTo cite one of the examples mentioned, it is one of the most popular social movements that dismantles order in a nation.
Violent social upheavals that affect order
It is characterized by being spontaneous, can have some violent overtones and is opposed to a figure or authority that proposes a state of affairs with which the group does not identify at all.
In the revolt, that generally large group that opposes a state of affairs usually manifests loudly in the streets and in some cases even infects the rest of the population. population by popularizing their fight.
When in the social revolt the exercise of the violence the state will have no choice but to intervene through its arm of safety interior, embodied by the police forces, and in some cases the military, who will intervene directly on the focus that produces the disorder.
It is common that when the aforementioned forces dismantle these groups, the violence they express increases and they attack the police or the military hand to hand.
Of course, in most laws, this violent action is punishable by law. law and those people who are caught in the act will be arrested, and surely, later, subjected to a criminal process for such violent acts that tend to target people, public and private assets and institutions public.
Health: abnormalities or disorders that someone manifests physically or psychically
And in terms of physical and mental health, when talking about the existence of disorder, it is referring to those anomalies that a person manifests or experiences either in their organic functions or at a psychic level.
One of the most common disorders that women experience in terms of feeding, and that produces visible effects on the body, is anorexia.
The woman looks fat even though she is not fat and that is why she avoids the correct diet, that is, she practically stops eating because she does not want to continue gaining weight.
This distortion must be treated quickly and by the appropriate professionals, such as clinical doctors and psychiatrists, because in case of advancing it can severely complicate the health of the patient and reach a point where life is in danger herself.
This type of eating disorder is associated with a mental problem that must be treated by a psychiatrist and psychologist. who will be able to impose as treatment medication and the beginning of a psychotherapy to be able to solve the basic problem that triggers that disturbance.
The word that opposes the one at hand is that of order which may refer according to the context in which it is used: the arrangement of things in the right place; the correct way in which something develops, the tranquility and harmony that reign in a society.
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