Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2012
When aggrandizement and progress are promoted, either on a physical level, moral or intellectual, it is spoken in terms of developing. “Reading regularly develops intellectual capacity. Pilates practice develops elongation of the whole body.”
Promotion of progress and growth whether physical, moral, intellectual, of something or someone
On the other hand, in the academic and labor spheres, the term develop is a frequently used word since in that way it designates the action of explaining an idea, a theory, a plan, a project, a hypothesis, before the students, the public, or the management body of a company, as appropriate. “I was able to fully develop my thesis hypothesis in court without getting nervous. Juan developed his project before the head of the technical department.”
Explanation of an idea, concretion of a plan
Also, when a project, plan, or idea is about to be finalized , becomes aware of the situation through the term develop. “With Juan Carlos we plan to develop a promotion to attract alumni and graduates to the courses.”
Use in chemistry and mathematics
At the request of areas such as the chemistry and mathematicsAlso, we find a reference for the term, since for the first it supposes the extension of an empirical formula with the mission that it expresses to the atomic grouping; and in mathematics developing implies the performing operations aimed at modifying the form of an analytic expression.
Other colloquial uses
Likewise, in the colloquial language of some Spanish-speaking places, the word develop refers to the developing a photographic film.
And other highly recurrent uses of the term, also in common speech are: expand that which is wound (“develop machine rope”); happen, be fulfilled (“Marcos's party turned out as badly as he expected”); and the progress presented by a community or society in its behavior (“Unfortunately, due to the lack of access, ours is an area that has not achieved the expected development”).
Development, an issue inherent to human beings and that brings them closer to positive growth
Undoubtedly the most widespread and most applied use in various areas of this concept is that associated with evolution and to the progress of something, as we have stated at the beginning of this review.
The people, the economy, science, technology, are some of the issues that we can say that are constantly development, that is, development is something intrinsic to the human being and it is something that affects us in a everyday.
People from birth, and others organisms alive from the beginning, they begin their biological development, which goes from a zero point or of origin until they reach their maximum possible stage, in the case of human beings, until they reach maturity.
On the other hand, people also star in another type of development that has to do with the professional and personal, and this becomes visible and effective when we grow and make life choices, what we want to study, the work we want to do, the choice to have or not a family, to marry, to have children, or not to do so, the religion that we decide to profess, and the sexual choice for which we choose, among so many other options, that will mark our human development.
Meanwhile, the success or failure of work, professional, will be marked and very closely linked to the decision of study, for example a university career, and after graduating, to continue on that path to grow in the profession.
A developed country always offers opportunities for growth and expansion to its inhabitants.
On the other hand, nations, geographical areas of our planet grow, develop, or failing that they stagnate, as a consequence of the desire or not for the development that they may promote its inhabitants and political leaders, who have in their hands the decision to apply and manage various policies so that their nation advances towards the growth.
Countries overcome their development problems when the politics and society pulls towards the same side, if this does not happen, unfortunately, that nation will find serious development problems, and of course its inhabitants will not enjoy of many benefits that developed countries do have, and in return, they will have to face the typical needs of communities that are not developed according.
Successful development is always positive and one must lean towards it, because it implies growth and knowledge, two widely appreciable issues.
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