Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2012
The word discern refers the distinction that is possible to make on two things, questions, alternatives, proposals.
Distinction made on people or things
Whenever more than one option is presented to us, it will be necessary to make a decision about it and then that is where the distinction of one will come into play. something else in order to proceed, decide, among other possibilities, in the best possible way, including determining if something is true or false, good or bad, between others.
“It is vital that you discern if Juan is lying to me or telling me the truth about what he did on Friday night, because if I He lies without a doubt our relationship will end, but otherwise, if he is telling me the truth I do not want lose it.”
Understand something through your knowledge
Many times this concept is used synonymously with understanding something.
Knowing something or someone will allow us to understand it, to incorporate it into our mental structure.
When it is understood it will make sense, from that moment on it will be clear, and by case it can be judged, valued, and applied
experience to other similar cases, allowing to solve domestic issues, of every day that arise, and on the other partly, questions inherent to the scientific field, when, for example, it is possible to discern a question that is under study or investigation in a lab.When a person manages to understand, discern, on a matter, his mind will be able to act, to say, or to avoid something, because you already know if it is something positive or negative for your life, for case.
If we act or decide something because someone else suggests or imposes it on us, surely, it will not correspond to our real wishes or wishes. behaviors, basically, because we are acting based on what another tells us, and not applying our own discernment in what we want it or not.
Use in law: make decisions based on what has been analyzed
On the other hand, at the request ofRight, the word discern implies the action through which a judge entrusts a person with guardianship of a minor or any other charge.
It is a concept closely associated with the law, and for example it is often used as a synonym for judging also very frequently.
Basically this action involves assessing facts, circumstances in order to make a decision in relation to something.
The judges or courts assume this action in their professional work, they evaluate and analyze a series of facts, evidence, data, among others, with respect to a person, or several, accused of the commission of some crime, and after that analysis they will arrive at a conclusion and they will issue a ruling that will enjoy all force of the law and it should be applied.
It is important that we say in this regard, so that justice is administered in a compliant manner, that the parties involved are adjusted and follow the procedural law that guarantees a fair decision on the part of whoever has to give it.
The defendants must have a defense lawyer to guarantee their defense, while the victims will have a lawyer as well, and the intervention of a state attorney whose function is to always defend the position of the citizens.
It is worth noting that the word discern is linked to another concept, that of discernment, which appears frequently before his employment.
Because discernment is the word that designates the judgment from which we take into account and manifest the difference that exists between various things, issues, alternatives, situations, among other.
Meanwhile, that discernment will always appear linked to a set of moral principles that will be the ones that will act within us. moral every time it is necessary to distinguish regarding the convenience or not of something, especially in what is inherent to decision-making.
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