Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2012
The word dissolve we usually use it in our language with a rather technical sense at the request of the physical scopes chemicalbut it is also widely used in our language everyday, which we will review below.
So, when the word is used in the fields of physics or chemistry, with the same it will refer to the action of separating the particles or molecules of a body in solid state from the use of a liquid and until a homogeneous mixture of both is achieved. Meanwhile, thedissolution, as the result of the aforementioned action is called, is precisely the homogeneous mixture that is achieved of two substances that are characterized by not reacting with each other when they are joined.
One of the most common dissolutions that take place is that in which the sugar dissolves in the Water.
As we also indicated at the beginning of the review, the word dissolve has a common use in different situations especially linked to our daily life, either on a personal or personal level. professional.
When, in the professional sphere, the separation of something that was united occurs, for example, a lawyer decides to put an end to the partnership that he had with a colleague and that had led to the creation of a law firm led by both, will express it in terms of dissolve. Juan and Laura agreed to dissolve the study and follow each one for their part.
On the other hand, when people break the bonds they maintain by x situation the word in question is frequently used to indicate it. You can dissolve a marriage, a friendship, a engagement, a family relationship, among other. Generally, these situations are triggered by recurring fights, problems with coexistence, love disappointments, among the most common causes.
And the other of the uses that we give to the term is to express the action through which it is completely destroy something or make it disappear. The antibiotic that they gave him in the hospital tries to dissolve the infection that he presents, hopefully it works.
Meanwhile, the term that is opposed to dissolving is that of concentrate, which just proposes the opposite action: gather that which is separate.
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