Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2013
The word distracted we use it recurrently to designate that individual who is easily distracted and therefore does not take conscience or account of what happens in the environment of him or around him.
Person who loses attention easily
The person who is distracted, the distracted one, moves away from reality, momentarily, or from a topic that should be focused at that moment and takes the attention elsewhere, generally less worrisome and much more enjoyable, for example, not paying attention to what a parent tells us about improving in the study and think at the outing we have at night with some friends.
Many times the distracted person pretends to be attentive but in effect is thinking about something else, in the meantime, if this is warned by the interlocutor It can generate great disgust in him, because he feels that he does not care what he says and a fight or argument may develop over it.
“He's so distracted that he didn't realize you were in the kitchen. The very distracted woman forgot the open door and the thieves entered ”.
There are a variety of synonyms for this reference of the word but without a doubt the one that we apply the most is that of clueless, when we also want to express the distraction that a person presents.
Meanwhile, the opposing word is that of attentive, because it precisely refers to that individual who pays attention to something or someone, that is, who does not easily deviate from their focus of attention.
The distraction, as we call the Deviation that someone manifests in terms of care, when he must or is asked to attend something, is a situation that occurs in a common way among people.
And then, almost always that attention that is taken away from something, is placed in another point of interest.
Triggering factors
There are a variety of factors that trigger the aforementioned distraction: a mechanical reason that is what causes this lack of attention, the lack of of interest towards the object to be attended, an interest towards something that is different, noises, images, or directly disorders in care.
There is even a pathology widely described by science known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and its acronym ADHD, which affects children kids, which precisely among his symptoms show lack of attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.
All people, mentally healthy and those who may not be, often suffer from distracting episodes.
Fantasies, emotions, thoughts, or physical issues can cause you to suddenly lose your attention to something.
Now, in those people who suffer from mental pathologies such as dementia, distraction is usually a persistent symptom.
It should be noted that a distraction can be harmless to others and therefore only slightly affect the distracted, for example, I was thinking about the meeting I have with some friends tomorrow and I went from the street to my house Mommy.
And on the other hand there are serious distractions that can cause irreversible damage, like that person that he is driving a car while talking on the phone and suddenly he does not see someone cross and run over him.
On the other hand, the word distracted is used as synonym of entertaining, therefore its opposite concept is that of bored, since it implies that which bores or tires easily.
Although it is a reality that we use the concept in our language In relation to the first sense that we explain lines above, it is also correct to say that something that entertains and amuses is distracted.
Distractions to overcome stress
For example, when a person notices that he lacks fun in his life, or appreciates it in others, he suggests that he seek some distraction.
On the other hand, it is common that the search for a distraction is recommended when someone is very absorbed with problems, overcome by stress, For example, then, he is advised to look for a ground wire, a moment of distraction, for example doing some activity that is pleasant for him: reading, go to the movie theater, do physical exercise, travel, among others.
We could say then that in this sense distraction is absolutely positive because it removes the person from a situation of oppression or boredom, While the distraction that we talked about in the previous sense is not good, because that lack of attention can cause harm to us or to third parties such as we already saw.
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