Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2011
To sleep it implies be in a state of rest in which any conscious activity is totally suspended and all movement voluntary.
State of rest in which the person suspends all activity and devotes himself to rest
Sleep, rest, turns out to be indispensable to improve the quality of life of human beings, since staying without rest for several hours at a time is detrimental, for example, for the attention we can pay to things; obviously, it will be much less if we find ourselves without relevant rest. Ideally, for human beings is to sleep 8 hours a day to regain energy and thus be able to start the next day with a variety of activities.
Health benefits
On the other hand, there are more benefits for our health if we sleep well, for example, we can have a radiant complexion, our immune system will be seen reinforced, it is possible to lose weight if you are well rested, and other very important things is that if you slept well you will wake up more optimistic and happy.
Spending the night outside the house
On the other hand, the word is used to show that spent the night away from home.
“ Last night, I stayed to sleep at Juan's.”
Have sex
Likewise, the word is used in the language current like synonymous with having sex.Laura and Juan have been sleeping together for a long time.
Forgotten initiative
Also, in ordinary language, when you want realize that something, a initiative, a draft, for example, have passed into oblivion the word sleep is used.
“The trip to India sleeps in the drawer of his nightstand. I don't think we will.”
Get someone to sleep
The action of bringing someone into the aforementioned state of rest, is also designated by the term sleep.
“Put the child to sleep, it's too late now.”
The aforementioned is one of the many tasks that the parents of a newborn must carry out, put him to sleep.
Babies do not perform any type of action per se, alone, because they cannot, for example, eat, change, and sleep, among others, they must be carried out with the assistance of father or mother.
There are babies who eat and immediately put them to sleep, but there are also others who are more restless and find it difficult more sleep and that is why parents should develop or try various techniques to find the most effective.
A boring activity
On the other hand, when a activity or person bored It is often said that it makes us sleep.
“ Laura is so bored with her games that when she comes she makes us sleep with them.”
In other words, this sense of the term is often used as a synonym for boredom.
Medicine: part of the body that is anesthetized
In the field of medicine, the word sleep is used to designate that some region of the body was anesthetized.
“ They put my tooth to sleep if not they could not operate on my mouth.”
To carry out some practices of diagnosis, treatment, or surgeries, it is necessary that the affected parts fall asleep so that the patient does not feel the pain of the intervention.
The usual thing is to apply local anesthesia, when the case is not serious, or failing that, if the patient requests it and if the The intervention is extensive, general anesthesia is performed, a situation that will involve the patient sleeping completely until the end Surgery. Then he is awakened.
Synonym of carelessness
And also the word sleep is often used as synonym of carelessness.
“Don't fall asleep with him report, delivery is within two weeks”.
There is even a popular phrase that is used a lot in our language when you want to tell someone that do not neglect or forget something important because if you do not lose it or be harmed "rest on your laurels."
To rest on your laurels precisely implies abandoning or neglecting the activity undertaken trusting in the successes and victories that are flaunted.
Normally when a success is achieved people tend to relax, it is fine to celebrate the triumph but one should not never rest, because every day a new challenge appears that will require effort to be overcome and if we fall asleep we will lose.