Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
The word duet is another of the ways in which it is possible to designate, refer, to a musical duo, so as such it presents the same characteristics attributed to musical duos.
The duet or duet is a composition musical in which two performers are involved, whether instrumental or vocal. It should be noted that generally when it comes to two instrumentalists, such as two guitars, two violins, among others, speaks of duets, while the word duet is reserved especially to refer to those musical compositions that have two vocalists or singers.
On the other hand, to the training musical composed of two musicians or performers is known as a duet.
In the duet, the singers can do it at the same time, that is, they sing from beginning to end. lyrics of the musical composition in question, or failing that, they sing alternately and join in certain parts of the song, such as the chorus.
Between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, at the urging of the opera, the duet modality was widely used as a consequence of the dynamism it implied and the
manifestation of contrasts that allowed to mark, although, the structure has varied closely linked to the time and the schools. In the case of opera, the duet admits an infinity of vocal combinations, among which the following stand out: tenor and soprano, tenor and mezzo-soprano, tenor and baritone, two tenors, tenor and bass, soprano and baritone, among others.Meanwhile, outside the classical music, the duet has also reached an outstanding popularity among the various musical rhythms: pop, rock, romantic... One of the most famous Spanish-speaking duets is the Argentine duet Pimpinela, composed by the brothers Joaquín and Lucía Galán, who have become extremely popular for performing songs that speak of deception, the love, the family, among other topics; his sung fights, especially in the songs that talk about infidelities, are his most successful songs.
Another recurring issue in today's music scene is that prominent soloists join others forming a duet to perform a theme musical, either of his own authorship or of another Author, and that will be included as a novelty in your album.
Duet tracks