Example of Distributive Conjunctions
Spanish Classes / / July 04, 2021
The distributive conjunctions are those conjunctions that serve to link two sentences and establish between them a alternation and contrast relationship. The ideas expressed in the sentences are contrasted in such a way that one and the other are presented as variants that can even express an idea of contradiction.
It is important to remember that conjunctionsThey are words that function as links or links to join words, phrases or complete sentences. One of the main characteristics of conjunctions is that they are words of character invariable; that is, its shape is always fixed without variations.
Another important characteristic of conjunctions is that they can create coordination or subordination relationships between the elements they join. In the case of distributive conjunctions, these are coordinators, which means that each of the sentences they join has the same importance and syntactic hierarchy within the sentence.
In Spanish, the distributive conjunctions that we use most frequently are: well, well; already, already; now, now.
Let's see some examples:
- Pray are you willing to cooperate, now you show yourself unwell.
- The little boy already cries, already he screams, he's already kicking.
- The restaurant well can be open, well it may already be closed.
The Distributive conjunctions are always written in pairs; each conjunction is written before one of the sentences that are joined. A comma is written between the two sentences, which separates one idea from the other; the comma is placed before the second distributive conjunction, as we can see in the previous examples.
100 Examples of Sentences with Distributive Conjunctions
![Distributive conjunctions link sentences and indicate a contrast between them.](/f/0aa4fc78d2a75fd69f97742393a390cc.jpg)
- Pray do you have time to attend me, now You don't have a free minute.
- Already she separates from her boyfriend, she is reconciled with him and they are back together.
- This food well can be prepared with fresh ingredients, well It may have been prepared with lower quality ingredients.
- Pray cook with a good seasoning, now cooks food without seasoning and somewhat bland.
- Well the day may remain cloudy, well can improve and clear.
- Already gets sick with the flu, already he is relieved, he is already sick again.
- In biology class now we make a summary or a synthesis, now We prepare a synoptic table, now we write a comment.
- They use too many resources in that movie to scare the audience: already they turn up the sound abruptly, already a ghost appears without warning, already dramatic pauses are made ...
- Work in the office is very routine: well you send an email, well you review a report, well you answer a call, well you organize paperwork.
- The traffic is worse than usual: now There is an accident, now there is a hold, now there is a damaged traffic light.
- We haven't finished cooking the stew: already we put an ingredient, already we add another that seems to be necessary, already we put more salt, already we let it boil longer.
- Well you can get the results you want, you may well not get them, but you should try to get things done.
- Pray you buy a shirt, now you buy another pants, now You say you need a new jacket now you buy shoes ...
- The lawyer has a lot of work; already finishes serving a client and closing his case, already Two new clients arrive with more complicated cases than the previous ones.
- Well there will be time to plan a family vacation this year, well we will have to postpone it to next year.
- Your words now they are sweet and affectionate, now they are severe and full of rancor.
- My mood has been very changeable in recent days: well I'm in good shape well I'm in bad shape
- You never know what to expect with the products of this brand: well they can be of good quality and last you for a long time, well they can be disappointing and break down very quickly.
- You never know what life has in store for you: well they can be good and pleasant things, well they can be problems and upsets.
- Already you move to a new city to start a new life, already You get tired of that place again and you go to another with the hope that it will be different.
- Pray drink a beer, now He drinks a glass of wine, sometimes a whiskey is served.
- Already you start a new project, already you leave it unfinished and start a different one again.
- My car always has a fault: now you have a water or oil leak, now a tire goes flat, now you have an engine problem, now has a radiator failure ...
- People well they can believe in superstitions, well they can believe the facts of science.
- Pray you and I agree in our way of thinking, now we do not agree.
- The girl seems very happy at her birthday party: already dance, already jump, already sings, already runs all over the place ...
- Well we have an excellent good luck streak, well we can also have a period of bad luck.
- The results now they are favorable, now they are really deplorable.
- We are lost and we cannot find the address: already we took a street, already we turn into another that looks the same as the previous one.
- Well you drink very sugary drinks, well you drink drinks with a lot of carbohydrates.
- Children have a lot of energy: already they get on the chairs, they already run around the house, already pillows are thrown, already they scream, already laugh, already they go up and down the stairs ...
- Pray arrive several minutes in advance, now it is long overdue.
- Already you buy a new painting or ornament to decorate the house, already you buy any appliance or appliance.
- Before going to the party already he combs, already she puts on makeup, already clothes are arranged ...
- The competition is very close; well you can win the bet and take the prize, well you can lose what you bet.
- Pray take a step forward to face your fears, now You go back another step that you had already advanced.
- If we go to the movies in the afternoon well it may be empty and there are many tickets available, well there may be a lot of people.
- Pray deliver reports to your boss on time, now he is late and his boss scolds him.
- This brand of cell phones well can offer good products that are durable, well You can sell phones that break down easily.
- It is a matter of luck to find parking in this place: now you can find even more than one available space, now everything is full.
- Already you finish a course or diploma, already you look for a new one and you sign up.
- Well you can sometimes know what you're talking about, well you can talk for the sake of talking without knowing the topic you are dealing with thoroughly.
- Your style is always changing: already you cut your hair, you already change your wardrobe, already you select new colors and accessories ...
- Pray there are very good films offered on the cinema billboard, now there are only bad movies.
- Well do you practice some extreme sport, well do some high-risk activity.
- The teacher well can do a simple exam, well it can make us a very complicated exam.
- The couple already they fight, already they reconcile and kiss.
- Pray I have money, now I spend it all and I have nothing.
- It seems that you are bored: now you move your leg anxiously, now yawn now you walk around the room, sometimes you look at your phone ...
- This non-profit organization well you may be doing great humanitarian work, well it may be a fraud.
- Pray you make a great effort in your work, now you don't make an effort and your work is mediocre.
- Already he decides to study a career, already You change your mind and decide to study something completely different.
- Well you try to be careful with your words so as not to hurt people, well You say the first thing you think even if it is hurtful.
- Pray there are new advances in research, now we are again at a standstill.
- Already they try to convince you to buy their products with sales tactics, already They insist that you try the product.
- People well they can show a sincere and true face, well they can show a false and hypocritical side.
- In this work well they can hire you for just a couple of hours, well you can get work for the whole week.
- The child is very spoiled: already he cries for some of his whims, already he complains about something, he already screams because he is dissatisfied.
- Pray you are kind to everyone, now you are very cutting and you behave in a rude way.
- Electrical installation well it could have been designed correctly, well it may present failures in the future.
- Nothing on television seems to satisfy him: already leaves you a few minutes on a channel, already he gets bored and switches to another to see it for a few moments.
- Well there can be life after death, well we can cease to exist the moment we die.
- The teacher is very demanding; now gives us a pop quiz, now let us conduct an investigation, now she asks us for a project ...
- Ana always looks for how to help others: now donate money, clothes or food to an institution, now get involved in a campaign, now help someone close to you ...
- He tries his best to lose sleep: already He drinks cups and more cups of coffee, already washes his face, already smokes a cigarette already he rubs his eyes, already he eats a sweet ...
- Well you can stay in your work situation for a while, well new and better opportunities may arise.
- In this city there are many cultural activities: now there is a painting exhibition, now there is a poetry reading, now there is an exhibition or film festival ...
- Pray you seem very happy, now Your face changes and it seems that you are sad.
- Either you get involved in teamwork, or you step aside and prefer to work on your own.
- Pray you have an opinion and you defend it at the cost of everything, now You change your mind and defend it with the same force.
- Pray you practice a sport, now you switch to another sport.
- I have many groups of friends: already I go out with a group to a bar, already I'm going to have dinner with another group already I go to the house of a friend from another group ...
- Already they say goodbye with a kiss, already they say goodbye with a hug, but they keep talking.
- These kids are very naughty: now they break an object with a ball, now they annoy the house pet, now they fill the floor with dirt ...
- Well You may find happiness in love well you may find it professionally, well it may be more spiritual.
- Pray you laugh at anything now you get angry at any situation.
- Pray the concert tickets are at a good price, now They put the tickets at very high prices.
- Pray you are adept at a certain philosophy, now You change your mind and call yourself a follower of another current.
- All the time they change the decoration of this house: already they take away a piece of furniture and put it in another place, already they add some paint, already they change the color of the mat, already they add a new decoration on the table, already arrange the order of objects in a different way.
- It is not certain who will win; well the visiting team can win, well the local team can win.
- Internet service well can remain flawless for several weeks or even months, well it may fail for several days or several times a week.
- Already you listen to what I say and you listen to me, already You ignore me and do what you want
- The students already they pay attention to the anecdotes that the teacher tells them, already they lose their attention and get distracted by anything.
- Already you say one thing, already you say another and you don't get to any concrete point.
- Already I choose a movie to watch already I change my mind and I better put another one.
- The clients well they can be comprehensive and punctual with the payment, well they can be abusive.
- Pray you have a good idea, now you have another one that is even better than the previous one.
- I always change the colors of my clothes: now I wear warm tones, now I opt for cool shades, now seen dark colors, now I lean towards lighter colors.
- Pray like something sweet, now I prefer to eat something salty.
- Winter in this area well it can be very cold, well there may be mild temperatures.
- Already you sell some products, already you change brand and sell something else.
- Pray you go out to the street for several days in a row, now you prefer to be at home without going out all weekend.
- Well I can have a lot of free time well I can be without a minute available.
- Already says one thing, already change your mind and say otherwise.
- Already you criticize this, already you criticize that.
- Pray I get in trouble now I try to solve it and I get into a different one.
- Well the rainy season may begin this week, well maybe not.
- Already I take a picture of a flower already I take another photograph of a person or an animal.
- Pray he is very trusting with people, now be suspicious of anything.
- Well do you have fun, well you get bored.