Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jul. 2013
The word to know we use it extensively in our language to designate the wisdom, the knowledge that someone has in a subject, topic or science.
Knowledge and wisdom that a person has on a topic or subject
“Knowing about him has no limits.”
When someone knows something, that is, he has learned a piece of knowledge, he will be able to make correct and useful decisions that would be practically impossible without that knowledge.
A human capacity with great value
Undoubtedly, knowledge is an intrinsic characteristic of the human race, which has been approached from different perspectives of physical and social science.
The provision of knowledge has a very relevant value in our society because it is precisely they who will be able to open the doors to a better future; knowledge, as we said, takes us out of ignorance but also gives us the ability to solve problems in a satisfactory way.
A person can achieve knowledge, that is, knowledge about something, through the experience of it, that is, contact with what is known, by
education received, that is, it acquires through the teaching that someone gives it practical and theoretical knowledge of a subject or reality.It should be noted that living beings obtain knowledge and knowledge regarding our environment thanks to faculties such as: vegetative, sensitive and rational.
Meanwhile, in human beings, the rational faculty produces knowledge by concepts, making language viable and also consciousness about what is true.
It is worth mentioning that this knowledge via concepts is only viable in men by the faculty of understanding.
Now, experience also gives us human beings knowledge and knowledge, although it is a rather subjective knowledge of the one who provides the experience.
By case, it will be true for the one who lives it.
The main difference with the knowledge by concepts that we mentioned above lines is that the Concepts being immaterial, therefore independent of experience, are per se information evident.
Sources of knowledge
Knowledge will always develop in a context, such is the case of the culture of a certain society and may come from various sources: intuition (the knowledge that comes to us immediately from contact with the object), experience (knowledge results from the experience one goes through), tradition (knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation), authority (when the knowledge starts from a reference source in the matter politics, moral, scientific) and science (the series of rational, true and possible knowledge that is obtained in a methodical way).
The one of the knowledge is a constant and own activity of the individuals and therefore all the time we are absorbing and processing the information that we obtain from our surroundings.
The apprehension of knowledge will involve various complex cognitive processes such as: perception, sensation, conceptualization, language, communication, deduction, association, among others.
Epistemology is the discipline that deals with studying knowledge
To epistemologyIt is the study of knowledge, since it is the branch of philosophy that just takes care of it.
This science is a detachment from Philosophy and therefore the subject of knowledge, always, since millennia, was present and occupying man and philosophy.
It was precisely the classical and most popular philosophers who took particular care to explain and analyze how is the process of knowledge of men.
Knowledge for Plato and Aristotle
So it is that two icons of Philosophy such as Plato and Aristotle approached this issue from their own beliefs.
Plato spoke of an ideal world that was represented by ideas and that supposes the real and true, while the Another world, the sensible, is a representation of that reality that does not suppose in any way the authentic, but everything contrary.
And on his part, Aristotle, distinguishes between essence, substances and accidents, proposing a more realistic vision of knowledge.
Over time, other philosophers were advancing in the considerations such as Immanuel Kant who will speak of stages in the apparatus of knowledge of man.
The opposing concept is that of ignorance, which implies the absence of knowledge regarding a question, subject or science.
Other uses
And also the word know is used extensively in our language to refer to various questions or situations such as: having the news or the certainty of something, being specialized in some subject, having a skill, as a synonym of resignation, to have cunning, the flavor that something shows, when one thing resembles another, it reminds us of something.
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