What is The Last Supper (Painting)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Feb. 2017
This painting by Leonardo da Vinci presents two levels of interpretation: the strictly artistic and the hidden enigmas that are inside.
An artistic appraisal
It is a large fresco (4.60 x 8.80) found in the church of Santa María delle Grazie in the city of Milan. It was painted between the years 1495 and 1497 commissioned by his patron.
In the scene depicted shows a large table in which the apostles accompany Jesus during his last supper, specifically at the time when Jesus claimed that he was going to be betrayed by one of his followers there congregated. The image presents each of the apostles with a expression Unique facial that communicates the mood of him and Jesus in the center with a serene countenance.
From a technical point of view, the composition has a geometric structure with a linear perspective in which the figure of Jesus is the central axis. The distribution of the apostles generates a symmetrical and harmonious effect and two sources of light appear in the work.
Enigmas of discussion and criticism
Some specialist scholars affirm that "The Last Supper" is one of the greatest enigmas in the history of art. The mysteries hidden in the painting have sparked all kinds of debates. The most significant are the following:
- It is stated that the absence of the elements of the Eucharist in the scene represented could symbolize a criticism of Leonardo to the official Catholic Church.
- After the restoration work completed in 1997, it has been seen that the work is divided into two sectors: one of shadows and the other of light, which could refer to the debate between faith and reason.
- None of the characters appear with the halo of holiness, a detail that is opposed to the tradition artistic with religious theme.
- One of the characters, specifically Pedro, appears with a knife in one hand and with the other makes a gesture of threat to Juan. This data is interpreted as a possible division in the origin of the Catholic Church.
- The feminine aspect of Juan is interpreted as an allusion to María Magdalena.
- To the extreme right from "The Last Supper" there are three characters who do not pay attention to Jesus and it is believed that the one in the center is Leonardo himself. On the other hand, some scholars maintain that the character on the right is the philosopher Plato and not one of the apostles.
- On the right margin of the painting there is a tablecloth with a knot at its end. Some historians claim that the knot is a code signature (the word knot in Italian comes from "vincoli", a word that is practically the same as Vinci, the town where he was born Leonardo).
Photos: Fotolia - Cenacolo (edition) / Claudio Divizia
Themes in The Last Supper (Painting)