Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2009
According to the context in which it is used, the term seminar will refer various questions.
In a religious context, the word seminary refers to that house that offers adults so they decide academic and spiritual formation to receive priests and be able to exercise as such. On a voluntary basis and once accepted by the relevant ecclesiastical authorities, those who sign up for participate in the priestly seminary, they will begin a series of studies that will lead them to a graduation in the race, which is formally called priestly ministry.
The seminaries legally belong to the dioceses and respond to the authority of the titular Bishop of the same.
Although, as we mentioned, the Bishop will be the highest authority that must be answered in the seminary, there are also other referents, among which are: the rector, who will be the one who in practice will govern the development of the seminar, will ensure the compliance of the objectives of the study plan, will monitor the students and report all news to the bishop; a spiritual director, embodied in a priest, whose main function will be to listen, advise and accompany to the aspirants and a confessor, a priest who will deal exclusively with exercising the sacrament of confession.
On the other hand, at the behest of a context academic or labor, a specialized meeting of a technical and academic nature is called a seminar, whose main The objective is to carry out an in-depth study of certain subjects through a treatment that will require interaction between specialists and participants of the same.
While it is not law, most seminars have a minimum duration of two hours and have a minimum of 50 participants.
Basically, the differential feature of a seminar will be that it proposes a learning much more active about a certain topic and very different from what occurs for example in the university or in the school, because the participants no longer receive the elaborated information, but rather look for it or they will investigate it by their own means in a environment reciprocal collaboration.
And on the other hand, the term seminary is also used to designate a seedbed of plants or a collection of seeds.
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