Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2010
A secret is that hidden question, hidden and separated from the knowledge of the majority, that is to say, a secret is ignored by a good part of the people, except for those people who have decided to share it.
That which is hidden and that very few know
There are usually secrets in anyone's life, which is why there are secrets of different kinds that will arise at the behest of various situations.
In our daily lives we are usually depositories of secrets and we even share our own secrets with others.
For example: we missed work and we told our boss that it was because we felt unwell but in reality we missed because we did not feel like working that day, that's a lie, meanwhile, when we confess such a revelation to a co-worker and ask him not to say anything, there it will become a secret between him and me.
But the secret can also occur in other contexts and not be as trivial a matter as the one mentioned above.
State secrets generally linked to national security
In high power spheres there are usually secrets that are kept because otherwise they can cause harm to the community.
They are usually handled as classified information that is not disclosed for reasons of safety national and can give effect to oaths or confidentiality agreements which will have the mission of guaranteeing the secrecy in question.
Military secrets also usually require the measurement of the environment because otherwise a situation of unsafety very committed.
Companies, it is also common to keep secrets, which will be those that give them supremacy over the competence.
Hidden space in a building or furniture
On the other hand, the term also refers to that hidden space that show some furniture.
These hidden spaces within furniture or house structures are ideal for hiding things of any kind. Valuables, money, documents, or whatever it is that one wants to be kept hidden and that no one can freely access it.
By case is that these "secrets" are usually hidden in the building in question and no one at first will be able to recognize them, except their owner.
Professional secrecy and bank secrecy
The Professional secret turns out to be that obligation Y right to keep silent about something that was revealed in the exercise of the profession.
With an example we will better understand this concept, a psychologist receives sensitive information from a patient within the framework of the psychotherapy that they carry out on a daily basis, as long as a competent authority requires the psychologist to reveal the conversations that maintains with his patient because he is involved in an offense, the professional can absolutely refuse, relying precisely on the professional secret.
This situation also occurs with other specialties of medicine, with lawyers and also with journalists who many times must keep secrets regarding who the women are. sources of their information, even when the justice urges them to disclose them, the journalist making use of this secret can of course refuse and that will not be seen as complicity or much less.
On the other hand there is the so-called bank secrecy, similar to professional secrecy but in this case it is a financial entity which has the power not to disclose information about its clients to those organisms that they request it.
Banks are obliged to protect the information they have about their clients because otherwise they would not only be causing damage to their client when giving that information to a third party but they can be sued by clients for the commission of that fault.
Any revelation that a Bank or an employee of the same do on a client may be punishable.
Now, we must say that although the laws support this secret there are some exceptions, for example when the authorities in charge of collecting Taxes demand it based on some reason of force majeure, or also when there is an order from a judge as a result of the development of a cause judicial.
Secret Topics