Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2012
At the behest of the geology, a sediment is the word used to refer to that solid material that has accumulated on the surface of the earth and that was the result of various actions caused by phenomena or by processes that occurred in the atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere, how to be: winds, oscillations of temperature, rains, circulation of both surface and groundwater, actions of organisms live or of type agents chemical, among other.
Meanwhile, a concept closely related to this term is that of sedimentation, as designated by process from which a sediment in movement gets to be deposited. Among the most common sedimentation stands out that from which the solid material is transported by a stream of Water that has the capacity to transport this suspended solid and ends up depositing at the bottom of either a river, a reservoir, a canal artificial, among others.
It should be noted that most of the sedimentation processes occur within the framework of a scenario of gravity, for which the most depressed areas of the lithosphere are more affected to suffer from sedimentation. Meanwhile, to those depressions that the
lithosphere They are designated by the concept of sedimentary basins.Also, the term sediment names aquella matter that after having been suspended in a liquid settles at the bottom of the container that contains it.
And somehow taking the references mentioned, in the language the word is used in a metaphorical sense to account for the marks that a situation or event leaves engraved on an individual.
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