Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2009
The term show is traditionally designated by those musical or artistic shows, generally mounted on the stages of important stadiums, in which a rock, pop, country or classical musical group present their album or most popular songs to a massive audience of fans followers.
Although obviously a show is not only reduced to what we mentioned above, in recent years it has also calls show to some television programs that offer an important visual display, technical and of human Resources, almost like the one that can be mounted on any big stage and does not necessarily present musical shows, the humor, for example, it is one of the genres that has gained the most ground in this type of show. An example case of what I tell you can be the traditional program show Saturday Night Live, which is broadcast on North American television and which mixes, in an imposing setting scene, humorous sketches with the live performance of classics and popular musical groups.
Meanwhile, it can also be included in the
category from show to talk shows, those television programs that have first become very popular in the United States, spreading the Format then to the rest of the world, in which, a driver accompanied by an imposing scenography and an audience accommodated in armchairs, conducts interviews with important personalities of the public scene, although they can also afford the license to present people who are not famous but who came to light for some outstanding event or some live musical show.What's more, The term show is often used to designate those scandalous situations in which a person, two or more, display attitudes extremely unexpected by the rest and that of course will awaken the attention and the comments of the spectators. For example, the warm discussion of a couple in a public space such as a bar or a confectionery.
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