Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
The definition of 'meaning' can be very varied according to the way we use the term. In a more encompassing way, the word sense is related to the idea of feeling something, someone or some phenomenon. This is when the notion of the five senses appears at stake, although sense can also be spoken of as something not so physical but more spiritual or rational, as in the case of feelings from love, hate, anger, joy, crying, or in the case of common sense. On the other hand, 'sense' is also used to refer to the direction an element can take.
When referring to physical and physiological issues, the term sense could be defined as the ability to feel both external agents that establish a dynamic with our body, as well as some phenomena that occur within it and that cause pain, among others sensations. Here then we must mention the five senses: the vision, the touch, hearing, smell and taste. All of them aim to allow the human being to recognize and come into contact with the phenomena that happen outside of our body.
Other senses, such as common sense, the sense of humor, the sense of location, are all more abstract senses that do not have so much to do with the biological, but rather with states of mind or with forms of behavior. Undoubtedly, they are also ways of feeling and acting in the face of certain phenomena that occur on a daily basis.
Finally, the term sense is also used as a way of indicating the direction that an object or a person must or can take in different spaces. Through this meaning, the meaning can also be towards where such an element moves as a consequence of its particular characteristics.
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