Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2012
The path it's a road or path that is characterized by being very small and narrow and that is mostly found in rural areas, for example, it is classified as a road rural.
The fundamental mission that these types of roads fulfill is the union of very small villages or towns and therefore they are considered as secondary and even tertiary roads that, for example, may not be marked or even paved. These issues are closely linked to the fact that these are roads that do not present a circulation very intense, as is the case of a national route, they are mostly covered on foot, motorcycle, or by bicycle, then, these licenses can be taken if they are not paved or have a very thin layer asphalt.
In the most remote times of our time they were used to unite populations either on foot or using a donkey.
However, despite not presenting an intense traffic flow, it should be noted that in any case they must be traveled with great care and conscience since most of them are certainly narrow and curved with which they can become very dangerous if they are crossed at high speeds.
On Spain There are many trails that are traveled on foot or by motorcycle by tourists or visitors. They are carefully signposted or have tourist guides who provide information about the culture and environment of the place.
In the present and along with other types of rural roads, trails are widely used to deploy a practice tourist sports that is known as tourism active whose main objective is to run into various adventures in a natural environment.
Among this type of active tourism undoubtedly stands out hiking, which is a species non-competition mountaineering that takes place on trails. One of the main objectives of this type of proposal is to bring people closer to the environment natural and remove it even a little from the magnificent noise of the city. And the other intention is that people who practice it can discover the cultural heritage and ethnic from different regions, using precisely these traditional ways.
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