Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Mar. 2010
The word simplicity is used to refer to a characteristic quality of the human being that has to do with interest in things, objects, feelings and simple situations. In this sense, simplicity is often understood as modesty since it is what makes the individual someone more centered, with his feet on the ground and with few pretensions of grandeur or bombast.
Simplicity is that quality that makes an individual not interested in great material effects, but rather that he can carry out a style life based on the simple and the basics. Simplicity can also be applied to the spirit and it is here when it is related to the interest in things more transcendental than the simple material objects that abound in our daily lives and that can sometimes make us lose sight of the most important.
Simplicity is characteristic of many monastic orders as well as some religions that assume that the Earthly life, with its luxuries and exaggerations, is insignificant next to the heavenly life that awaits us after the death. This is why these religions invite individuals to return to the sources of life, to nature and to the simple things that allow us to dedicate our days to meditation and approaching the corresponding God according to the
belief.The current lifestyle of many societies means that virtues such as simplicity have fallen into decline compared to the permanent stimulus to the consumption Yet the acquisition incessant of goods.
Simplicity is, however, practicable even being in the middle of such environment from obtaining the necessary and basic products and items for our life, from from the development of a comfortable but not ostentatious lifestyle and from the recourse to situations of happiness that are not related to consumption but to lived experiences and with those around us.
Themes in Simplicity