Definition of Toxic Oil Syndrome
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2018
In May 1981, there was a massive poisoning in Spain that killed 700 people and produced serious physical consequences for more than 20,000 Spaniards. The origin of this poisoning was in an oil for industrial use that was used fraudulently for the consumption human.
As time went by, the researchers came to the conclusion that the industrial oil also carried significant amounts of a type of pesticide that is especially toxic.
In medical terminology this pathology is known as Toxic Oil Syndrome, but in popular language it is better known as tragedy rapeseed oil.
In the initial phase of disease the first symptoms identified were the following: atypical pneumonia, cramps, pulmonary hypertension, and muscle pain. In a more advanced phase, serious liver problems, dermatological alterations, neuropathies and disorders in the internal organs were manifested. As a consequence of this symptomatology, thousands of people were disabled.
From the medical field, the Carlos III Health Institute was the
institution who led the investigation of diseases derived from contaminated oil. The syndrome has only occurred in Spain and fortunately this pathology has not occurred in other countries.A tragic episode that shocked Spanish society
The first case of death affected a 13-year-old boy from Madrid. Initially, the origin of the disease was unknown and it was said that it was a strange pneumonia and that the cases of death were related to nuclear radiation. It was not until a year later that the origin of the tragedy began to be known. Logically, when the news reached the media of communication there was a great social alarm.
Most of the victims and those affected belonged to the popular classes, who bought rapeseed oil for its low price in various street markets.
The affected people who managed to survive suffered and suffer from all kinds of physical and psychological consequences
When those responsible for the poisoning were tried in 1987 they received light sentences, but with Later, the Supreme Court imposed high fines and ordered the imprisonment of the maximum responsible.
Rapeseed oil victims had to wait 21 years for a compensation economical. There was only one positive part that one can try to rescue, since it served to increase food controls and sanitary protocols.
Fotolia photos: Carlac and Sasajo
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