Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2009
It is designated by the term of synonyms to all those words or expressions that have the same or a very similar meaning, but whose writing it is absolutely different, although they refer to the same thing or question.
Also, a condition without equanom observed by synonyms is that they must belong to the same category grammatical. To clarify the concept, nothing better than a concrete example that demonstrates what we are discussing, synonyms of the term happiness They will be: happiness, luck, well-being, prosperity, happiness, contentment, fortune, joy, satisfaction and bonanza. From the example it follows then what we mentioned above, that even having different writing, all the terms we list refer to the same thing and even belong to the same category grammatical.
On linguistics they are distinguished between three types of synonyms. Total synonyms which will be all those words that have the same meaning in all linguistic contexts, leaving aside the terminological considerations.
Then there are the partial synonyms, which are those words that have the same meaning in many linguistic contexts but not in all, that is, there is no one generalization as in the previous case that we described. An example case is the terms car and car, as is known, both terms, although they present a different writing, refer to the same thing, however, not in all the contexts in the which are applied can be well used, that is why when we speak or write wanting to be more fluent in terms of vocabulary than we use, we must always attend to this question, because it may be that we demonstrate fluency or knowledge of various terms, but we fail in the job of a term in a certain context.
And finally the called synonyms with difference of degree, which are those words that have a similar meaning but with a difference in the intensity that they represent when they are used, for example, laughter and laughter, both terms mean the same in general terms, however, when one wants to give an account that an individual had fun excessively with some question, the term laughter will be the one that best represents that situation, since the word laughter lacks that intensity that if it shows the term laugh.
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