Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2010
Through the simple term it will refer to what it does not present composition, or failing that, that it is made up of one or very few elements, that it is simple and that does not involve any kind of difficulty or complication.
Meanwhile, the most recurrent use attributed to the word will be that linked to what easy. The test turned out to be much simpler than I expected; the wardrobe that we buy is with a single door; the solution it is very simple, you go and leave it.
On the other hand, when the simple word applies to description of an individual, this will imply that the person in question is eminently gentle, meek, without gimmicks, or complications in his way of being and acting. Laura is so simple, you are going to get along very well with her because she does not usually pose problems; Grandma is so simple that it will be quite easy to fool her.
At the behest of the Grammar, a simple word is one that is not made up of others of the language to which it belongs. Boca is a simple word, while turning is a compound word.
In the field ofmedicine, a simple material It is one that serves by itself to act therapeutically or enter the composition of a drug.
Also in the rightwe find a special use for the simple word, the transfer or copy of a writing that is removed without signing or authorizing is a simple.
On the other hand, in the Argentina, when someone speaks of a simple it is likely that he is referring to a sandwich that is made with two slices of bread or a layer of crumb, depending on the type. For Juan's birthday we only ordered cheese singles, because triples were going to be too much.
And in Chemistry, a simple, is that substance made up of a single type of atoms.
Themes in Simple