Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2009
The word Sinister It has a certainly widespread use in ours, being used to refer to various questions.
Person or everything that presents a propensity towards the perverse
The first that we will realize is the one that says that it is sinister that person or everything that has a propensity towards the perverse, malicious, bad, fatal.
It can be applied to something or to a person who are capable, due to the evil they display, of causing a lot of damage to others.
Something or someone sinister must be escaped or not approached because they can produce a very great risk in our lives or completely ruin them with their very bad action.
An example in this regard: "the sinister leader of the attack squad ordered his command to indiscriminately attack the area and shoot all the enemies that stand in the way."
Damage or accident plausible to be compensated by an insurer
In the second of uses, now in the field of right, more especially in insurance, will be called a loss to that plausible damage or accident to be compensated by an insurer
. It is a question that is applied in almost all insurance contracts and then contemplates serious damage, accidental destruction or in its defect any significant loss suffered by a person or body as a result of an accident or natural catastrophe and that then, Since they are contained in an insurance contract, the corresponding insurer will indemnify or respond to the settlement of any break.In this case, the loss can range from the collision between two vehicles to the total destruction of a house after a hurricane.
So, once it has occurred, insurers have the obligation, as long as it is stipulated in the contract arranged in a timely manner, to indemnify the affected parties.
Linked to this reference appears the concept of total sinister which says that this type is the total loss or destruction of an asset after an accident, that is, that the repair of damage is impossible both economically and technically.
Also, it is very common for that event or event unexpected and causing great destruction and damage in its wake is called sinister. Fires, traffic accidents, among others, are often referred to as accidents, which is why usually in the press and in common language they are often called this way by the people who they relate.
The left hand or site to the left of something
Another use has to do with the job of the term for refer to the left hand or the place to the left of something.
And it is from this last use of the word that the connotation negative that many times is given to the word, because as the right is linked with the right and just, what belongs to the left or left is found associated with the opposite, bad, negative, incorrect, this is why the term is used, as we mentioned before, to refer to the bad intention of something or someone.
The sinister in psychoanalysis
The psychology He has also attributed a special use to this word... More precisely, he has been the ineffable and most prominent psychologist of all times, the German Sigmund Freud, who has used the word to indicate a recurring psychic state in the people.
The creator of the psychoanalysis denominates sinister to that feeling that generates a deep discomfort and anguish and that results from the experience that is maintained with someone or something that was previously familiar and surely accepted and even loved.
Although this feeling is linked to serious neurotic disorders such as schizophrenia. According to Freud, the origin of this would be in those primitive ideas and in the complexes that during the childhood they were repressed.