Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2014
Smog is a dense black cloud formed by the smoke that emanates from different pollutants present in the big city, such as exhaust pipes of circulating cars, factories and heating, and it is also an absolute problem associated with the contamination of the environment that almost all the major cities of the globe.
That is, when the level of pollution in a city is high, we will see a dense grayish-black cloud in the sky, depending on the degree of pollution present, which will cover the clarity.
It should be noted that it can also be written as smog.
High pressure atmospheric situations are the broth of culture ideal for the presence of smog since the air it tends to stagnate and all those polluting particles will concentrate instead of dispersing with the air.
It is also important that we mention that smog can present itself without problems in any weather because it is the excessive industrial activity and the high traffic of vehicles that especially generates, however, we must indicate that when the weather is warmer and the sun prevails, smog prevails more.
Smog is bad for the environment and obviously it is for the human beings who live with it since it is an issue that will affect directly our body, for example irritating our respiratory system and causing discomfort in our view.
Although it is not a simple task at all, it is not impossible to reduce smog levels in the most affected cities, only the decision is enough politics from implement some measures that can be somewhat obnoxious to the inhabitants but that with them could achieve a decrease in the level of smog, which sooner or later, all citizens will appreciate because it adds to their quality of lifetime.
Among these measures we must indicate the following: restrictions on the circulation of private vehicles in the cities and, as a counterpart, encourage the use of vehicles associated with green life, such as bikes. This measure must go hand in hand with the provision of these vehicles and the creation of paths for the exclusive use of bicycles that guarantee the safety and the speed of transit of this type.
Other actions are the promotion of the use of electric vehicles and the management of more efficient public transport.
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