Definition of financial system
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2010
The financial system is that set of institutions, markets and media of a given country whose The main objective and purpose is to channel the savings generated by the lenders to the borrowers.
Then, the aforementioned intermediation work that we mentioned is carried out by those institutions that make up the financial system and is considered as elementary to be able to carry out the transformation of financial assets issued by investors into financial assets indirect. The financial system will be understood by financial assets as well as institutions, intermediaries and financial markets.
The mission excluding to be met by the financial system of a market economy will be capture that surplus from savers and channel it to borrowers, whether public or private.
Vital influence on the domestic market
Among those institutions that make up the aforementioned system, the Banks, the private ones and also the public ones, whose administration and management is in charge of the national state. It is precisely the banks that offer citizens various investment tools, such is the case of the famous fixed terms, which report an income to clients and of course they also become benefits for the banks that work with that money and apply it to other operations from which of course they obtain revenues.
The financial system plays a fundamental role in the economy of any country and by case its good or bad operation has a direct impact on the domestic market. In this sense, it is that he is sometimes considered responsible for some economic complications and they enjoy a certain demonization by those who have a critical view of it. capitalism.
In market economies, financial systems are of vital importance since they are in charge of capturing people's savings and diverting them to investments concrete, as we have already indicated, which will tend to have a positive impact on the real economy of the country in question.
What are financial assets and markets?
They are called as financial assets to those titles or accounting entries issued by the economic units of expenses and that in in a certain way they constitute the means of maintaining wealth for those who possess it and a liability for those who possess it. generate. These do not add to the general wealth of a country since they are not contained in the product gross interior, but they do move the real resources of the economy contributing to the real growth of the wealth. The characteristics of these assets are the liquidity, risk and profitability.
On the other hand, financial markets are those organisms in which the exchange of financial assets occurs and their prices will also be determined. Meanwhile, the contact between the different agents that operate in this type of market does not necessarily have to be done in a space physical, but can be done through various modalities such as the telephone, telematics, internet auctions, among others.
Forecasting and regulation
So, this system offers savers many opportunities for savings and investment, however, it is important that we mention that it is important Be warned in this regard that many options that they offer us carry some risks that in many cases escape what the average client knows about the movement of the market, for example, good advice is always recommended, with someone from confidence, which can offer all the alternatives and also warn us about the best and worst scenarios of the various operations.
In order to exercise the function of controller within the financial system, there are those called regulatory bodies of the financial system who will be in charge of supervising compliance with the laws promulgated by parliament as well as those issued by the regulators of the system itself.
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