Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2012
The word socialize admits several uses, while one of those common uses is the one that says that socializing implies the transfer of assets corresponding to both individuals and private industries and institutions, among others, to the state, or to any other collective body.
On the other hand, socializing also means make that what affects society promote the development of the people who precisely make up that society.
And the other of the recurring uses of the term allows us to refer to the teaching or promoting learning of social guidelines tending to add at the time of integration and the development of individuals in a given society.
It should be noted that at the request of theSociology, this promotion of patterns is formally referred to as socialization and it is precisely a process from which the people who are part of a society and a culture come into contact and apprehend the set of norms, values and ways of perception of the reality that prevail in the society to which they belong.
So, everything that happens in the field sociocultural of which it is an integral part, will be taken by the person to integrate it into their personality and in this way adapt and finally get along with the society in question.
Meanwhile, it is in the socialization process in which the individual will also take conscience of the current social structure, which will allow you to differentiate what is right from what is not.
Socialization is possible only through the different social agents with which the person comes into contact, such as: the family, school, friends, the mass media, institutions and individuals with socially recognized authority and capacity, among others.
Although the social agents that have the most impact on the building of the personality and the way of thinking, acting and feeling of someone are the family and the school, the effect that other social actors can have cannot be minimized. such as pairs, which can turn out to be as effective as those mentioned.
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