Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Guillem Alsina González, in Nov. 2011
There are different kinds of malware, depending on what the cybercriminal or the entity that created and directs it wants to do. For example, viruses attack computer systems and reproduce automatically (hence they take the name of their biological counterparts, since they act in the same way). One of the kinds of malware existing is the spyware.
The spyware consists of the software (that is, computer programs) that is installed silently on the system, and monitors the actions of the user.
Silent installation means that it is done without knowledge and, of course, no consent from the user. In this sense, it is like any other malware.
The actions he takes from here on are espionage. For example, a spyware may have a component of keylogger, word that means that it captures keystrokes. This serves to have texts, user names and passwords that the user enters in his computer.
You can also examine the websites we visit, capturing all kinds of information about the activity we display online. It can also capture the information that we see from our online contacts.
Once all this information is collected, what does the spyware with her?
Generally, the sypware It is programmed to send the collected data to an Internet site.
This site corresponds to those who have created and use (or simply the latter) spyware, and can be from cybercriminals to spy agencies dependent on a government, through companies that practice industrial espionage.
Anyone can be a victim of spyware, since cybercriminals take advantage of all the information that a spyware.
Thus, for example, our usernames and passwords of the accounts of email They can be useful for you to use in sending spam. The credentials to access systems storage online, to store various things. Or even to "hijack" our services and demand a ransom for them.
How do you get this? The spyware it remains "resident" in memory, hidden and without showing signs of life, and like a good spy, it sees everything we do.
Also, the spyware can also be used to present advertising unsolicited and intrusive to the user, segmented according to his preferences, since the spyware it "knows" them through its monitoring activity.
How can we protect ourselves from spyware?
The best protection against the threat posed by spyware This is achieved in two ways: the first does not engage in risky behaviors on the Internet, while the second consists of having an anti-crime program.malware installed and updated on our system.
Regarding risky behaviors, many times the malware (including the spyware) is spread through programs and content of dubious origin that we download from Internet.
A large part of the spyware that affect the bulk of Internet users is installed as a product of the download and installation of free programs, although of dubious function, such as clients of P2P systems of pirated networks.
Finally, the software from safety goes beyond a antivirus to cover a solution comprehensive protection that protects us from various types of threats, including that of spyware.
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