Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2010
A subculture in our language is called that form of culture that is especially intended for a minority audience, often even marginal.
Culture of minority expression of a society that borders on marginality, has unique characteristics, and is rare for the vast majority
Although the concept is often used to refer to what is in a lower position than the dominant culture, it is also used to refer to those uses and traditions manifested by certain groups with respect to those groups that make up the dominant culture, without this clearly implying a lower valuation. However, this does not prevent subcultures from suffering the discriminatory attacks of the majority on many occasions.
The urban tribes, such a fashionable concept today is a clear example and expression of subculture.
Meanwhile, we must say that subcultures present distinctive characteristics such as preferences, clothing and language that are dominated and used only by the minority that compose them and that in the eyes of the majority rest are usually considered singular, rare and even extravagant.
At the behest of theAnthropology and of the Sociology, in which the concept turns out to be habitual and of course object of study, the subculture is the term used to refer to that group of people who share behaviors and beliefs, which turn out to be very different from those that prevail in the dominant culture of the community to which they belongFor this reason, this makes them the minority we were talking about.
Differentiated group within a culture that shares diverse issues
Somehow a subculture is a distinct group within a culture. Generally, its members meet for various reasons they share, such as age, ethnicity, sexual identity, musical tastes, common aesthetics, among the most recurrent.
Traditionally, the subculture will define itself in opposition to the culture that dominates in its country or city of origin, while it can be radical or not, that is, to effectively present the aforementioned opposition but not for that reason to fight the dominant culture, both being able to coexist perfectly.
Those who make up this or that subculture usually share physical appearances which will be the ones that will somehow identify and unite them.
Main features
Some of the most recurrent are the hairstyles, such is the case of punks who comb their hair to form a crest, the floggers, on the other hand, they are styled with straight and flattened bangs for the side or the clothing color, for example, the gotics and the very famous these days subculture of the emos They wear black clothes as a primary distinctive.
Another common condition within the subculture is the existence and command of one's own and particular dialect that to the ears of those outside the subculture is practically unintelligible.
So it will be precisely these shared symbols, the color of clothing, the rare new hairstyles, and the dialects that will firmly establish a subculture in a community.
They present a fantastic internal cohesion that leads them to have the same codes that we were aiming for and to be very supportive of each other.
On the other hand, a recurring feature in subcultures is the partial acceptance of the norms imposed by the dominant culture; They also tend to have the objective of revaluing certain material values through an illegal and questionable way; They tend to reject the formal institutions of any society, such as the school, government authorities, law enforcement agencies, safety and justice.
Groups of people who come together because they share the same tastes there are many in all parts of the world, however, they do not make up a subculture because they do not share the physical appearances that we mentioned before and certain postulates such is the case of skepticism and lack of hope in the development of the world that sustains the subculture gothic.
Urban tribes, subcultural manifestations
And the Urban Tribe , on the other hand, is the group of people who act in accordance with the ideologies of a subculture in the context of a city.
They share tastes for various issues and also practical.
It must be distinguished that not all urban tribes present a identity well marked and complex, some only share the fanaticism for a musical group or artist, while there are others that are based and grow around a ideology they defend, such is the case of punks.
We must note that on some occasions this absence of integration on the part of this type of tribes to the society in which they live can generate dangerous situations for the majority who do not share their ideas.
Neo-Nazi groups with their anti-Semitic demonstrations are a clear example of this.