Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2010
According to the use that is given to it, the term support can refer to various issues.
Support or support of an element
In its broadest sense, A support will be that support or support that presents a certain object; "The lamp holder is made of plastic, so be careful when you touch it."
Surface on which color is applied
On the other hand, it is also called support to that surface on which the color is applied in a painting. Its destiny is to fulfill the task of carrying the background and the layers of paint. In this sense, along with color, support is the fundamental element when it comes to this type of art.
There is a diverse number of supports and that is shown by the history that has presented us with the most different proposals in terms of supports, which show their very particular characteristics in terms of textures and absorption. Among them, the following stand out: walls, in the case of frescoes or murals, wooden boards, canvases, paper and scrolls.
Use in computing
Also, in the computer field, the term presents a reference: the tape, the diskette, among others, in which certain information is stored, a document, an image.
Technical support service
As a result of the tremendous presence of new technologies and the computing in our lives is that a special service appears in the market, called as technical support and whose mission is to provide direct assistance on the hardware or software of a computer or any other electronic device, that is, to help the user to solve any type of problem that arises in the use of it. At present, almost all companies that sell, whether hardware or software, provide their customers with technical support service, online, or through the telephone line.
The same is also done by the companies that provide the Internet, they offer their customers a technical assistance service that attends 24 hours a day and to which they can communicate through a special telephone line to request help in any aspect or when the service stops function. Many times the fault can be solved in this way but on other occasions it is necessary for the technician to appear at the home to check the connection.
Advertising support
While, An advertising medium is one of the several subchannels of communication in which an advertising medium can be divided. On TV, the support can be a channel, until the advertising break of a certain date.
At the request of technical analysis, which is the study of the action of the stock market, the word support constitutes one of the two fundamental concepts that it handles together with that of resistance. In this sense, A support is the price level that is below the current one and at which the price is expected to force of purchase exceeds that of sale.
Music: Support group
In the field of music The concept is used to name that musical group or soloist that holds a recognition for part of the public and that is the one that allows him to act in a recital, concert, before the presentation of the number central. The presentation of the supporting groups or bands was born with the motivation entertainment of the public that arrives before the main show, however, in recent times, we must emphasize that they have become attractions per se and they also tend to arouse a lot of interest and their fanatic public usually get tickets to see them, in addition to the most popular group that will play after they.
Person who acts as a prop for another
And the word also has a use symbolic in language colloquial where it is used with recurrence to refer to that person who stands as a prop and support in our lives. "My parents are the support of my life and the ones who have allowed me to achieve everything I have today, which is why I am so grateful to them."
So this sense can be described as emotional support. We all surely have someone close to us who unfolds in our lives a function of this type, which is certainly important because it is what allows us on many occasions. obtain achievements that make our existence improve in some aspect, or failing that, that appear at some special moment of unease and that support us to overcome evil moment.