Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2011
The word somber is used repeatedly when you want to account for a place that has very little light and in which we frequently find shade. “This room is the darkest space in the house, I do not recommend placing plants because they will easily die.”
Low light place
Meanwhile, the shadow is a area in which darkness predominates, that is, the light is obstructed, not allowing its view or entry.
What is the shadow?
The shadow occupies all the space behind an opaque object with the light source in front of it. The greater the angle set between the direction of light and an object x, the greater the distortions. Meanwhile, if there are multiple sources of light, we therefore find multiple shadows, those hidden parts being darker or presenting a combination of colors. For example, if there is an individual sitting on the I usually the shadow will converge to the point of contact.
Shadow is closely linked to darkness and the absence of light. There are people who like the dark and therefore the shadow does not produce any type of rejection, on the contrary, they like it, while there are others who who do not like darkness and shadows at all and tend to spend little time in shady places or directly prefer not to be in them alone.
When one goes to see apartments or houses to rent or buy, the light / dark is certainly relevant, of course in This issue will come into consideration and weigh the preferences of each one, however, the common thing is the inclination of people for the light than by the shadow or darkness, so this point in question is very important to observe when going to see an apartment or home.
If it is bright mostly all day, or if it is more on the dark side.
If darkness predominates it will be essential have the lights on for most of the day, and for case when the sun begins to fall it will be inevitable to turn them on.
Also, the higher floors, in the case of buildings, are much brighter than the floors. lower levels that tend to present less light, for example a Ground Floor is much darker than a ninth floor.
And the other use of the term quite widespread too, allows to indicate with it that which is covered in melancholy or that refers to the gloomy.
“ Juan has changed a lot, in recent times he looks gloomy, off, very different from what he was.”
In other words, in this second sense, the word somber is usually used to account for the critical or bad mood that a person presents.
Melancholy is a state of mind of a person that is included within the disorders current depressives.
It is characterized, in the most serious cases by a loss of self, reluctance, sadness, absence of desires and plans, generalized depression, which can even lead to suicidal ideas, always of course talking about extreme cases.
Usually melancholy is accompanied by some physical symptoms such is the case of psychomotor retardation, alterations in thoughts and emotions, tendency to cry, lack of interest in things, grief, anguish that does not give way, insomnia, weight loss, feelings guilt, inability to enjoy, lack of Energy, among the most common.
Now, we must emphasize that it is not bad to feel melancholy at some point in life, generally when think and remember past times, however, when that state remains in time it does become a health problem that must be treated medically through psychotherapy, and if necessary with medication, as the doctor.
It should be noted that the word somber is closely linked with other terms, such is the case of: black, dark, gloomy, gloomy, covered, dull, gray, covered, overcast, sad, gloomy, pessimistic, downcast, down, distressed, among others. On the contrary, the word shady, is directly opposed to concepts such as: bright, clear, sunny, happy and cheerful.
Themes in Shadow