Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2015
The hat is one of the most popular garments and also one of the oldest for the time that makes it is used by man to protect his head from some issue such as the sun, the cold, as indicator of status social, this especially a few centuries ago, or simply with an aesthetic intention to add a touch of look to your appearance, for example, is that it is also considered as one of the accessories fashionable par excellence.
Parts of the hat
His design It consists of a cup (hollow part) and that is where the head is placed and its shapes are variable: round or conical; a wing, which is the rim of the piece and extends throughout the circumference of the hat, being its main mission the protection of the solar rays; a smooth band arranged inside it and whose purpose it is to avoid sweat and adjust the hat to the skull; the band of the hat is around the crown on the outside and its mission is ornamental; and the front wing that is intended to protect from the sun.
There are endless designs, standing out among others the Panama hat, which is actually manufactured in Ecuador and is characterized by being made of braided palm leaves; the Cloché hat is a typical bell-shaped design for women; the Vietnam hat, is a characteristic hat in Asia that has a conical shape; the montera, which is a hat worn by bullfighters; the fedora, which is a typical men's felt design with the pinned crown and a ribbon around the crown; and the bowler hat, a design that was widely used between the 19th and 20th centuries, made of felt, with a very narrow brim and a round crown.
Popular use
On the other hand, the concept is used in some popular phrases with a strong connotation symbolic, such is the case of: take off the hat, a phrase that is used a lot to express to someone the I respect that you have, out of courtesy, or the admiration that produces us.
Photos: iStock - AlexBrylov / Alija
Themes in Sombrero