Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Apr. 2015
The concept of subversion manifests the exchange of some ideas or values for others in relation to an aspect of society.
On revolutionary roots
The idea of subversion has a transformative and sometimes revolutionary ingredient. Thus, in the political context of some totalitarian regimes, opposition groups arise that yearn for a social change deep and fight for a subversion, that is, they pretend to offer another version of the politics. However, this word is used in other contexts. For example, one speaks of subversive art when, through a work, it is intended to transform the reality or the vision of art itself (the different avant-garde movements are examples in this sense).
It depends on the perspective from which it is analyzed
The subversive has a connotation positive or negative depending on the different points of view. Thus, for those who have power and want to maintain it at all costs, saying that something or someone is subversive is synonymous with dangerous, inconvenient, illegal or unacceptable. On the contrary, from the opposition's approach, carrying out subversive actions indicates hope, nonconformity and a deep desire for change.
Reflection on the subversive elements
The expression "subversive elements" is typical of totalitarian ideologies and acts as a euphemism, in the sense of communicating a threat for the established order.
The advertising
The propaganda systems of dictatorships tightly control the media communication and when they refer to subversive elements of society, they intend to introduce fear towards certain groups and their "demonization". From the point of view of the Franco regime, the list of subversive groups or elements was extensive: Freemasons, Liberals, Jews, Communists, Protestants, Separatists, etc. Sometimes a word has been used to indicate that a group is threatening: counterrevolutionary. In any case, the mechanism is usually very similar: those in power call anyone who poses a threat subversive. The funny thing is that the subversives can reach power and when this happens the process is reproduced again.
The subversive person can be a rebel, a nonconformist, a utopian, a pacifist or a patriot. There is no single prototype but it depends on many factors. In any case, the process of exchanging one order for another is part of one's own history. Thanks to the nonconformist spirit of some, certain social changes have been possible. There are phenomena that have officially disappeared thanks to subversive individuals and groups that fought for it (for example, the slavery or racial segregation).
Carry out an assessment moral in relation to the concept of subversion or subversive it is only possible taking into account the circumstances of each historical moment.
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