Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2014
The concept of supplement It is widely applied in our language and to refer to various issues that we will review below.
Generally speaking, the supplement is that which supplements, expands or has the function of complementing something else. Usually, what is added to something is intended to improve or perfect it. My mom had a supplement in her salary of the month and that's why she was able to fix the house.
On the other hand, the word supplement has a special use at the request of the means of communication graphics, magazines and newspapers, given that this is the name sheet, special section or independent publication, which accompanies the regular issue of the magazine or newspaper, is sold with it and deals with a subject or discipline specific, for example supplement of architecture, women's supplement, decoration supplement, health supplement, culture supplement, among others.
Nowadays it is common for us to find these special sections in almost all the major newspapers in the world. The
motivation is that when generating content grouped on the same thematic, the people who are interested in them, will buy the supplement and the newspaper with which it is sold associated. The intention is also to offer readers special content, beyond the typical news.And the recurring characteristic of all supplements is that they come out on the same day every week, so your readers already know which day the supplement of their interest comes out.
And in matters of food, the word supplement also has a reference since that is what those special preparations that have various vitamins and that are indicated to those people who have a deficiency in them due to poor feeding, by the practice of some sport or stress.
There are vitamin supplements of various types: polyvitamins (they are characterized by having varied vitamins and also minerals), group B (they contain vitamins belonging to group B and in some times they also have vitamins) C and a single vitamin supplement (they only contain a single vitamin and are recommended only to those who know of their vitamin deficiency in that vitamin).
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