Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2009
The term susceptible is said and used when one wants to refer that something or someone is capable of receiving the indicated effect or action. For example, at the request of the realization of a draft, Juan tells his teammate that he can be improved.
On the other hand, in the field of medicine, the word also has a special use since it is usually used when you want to realize that a person or an animal does not own endurance some against a certain infectious agent, thus being highly exposed to contracting a disease.
And the other of the uses, perhaps the most widespread and popular that is attributed to the word, is the one that says that it is susceptible mostly fussy person, who is easily offended by any attitude or comment.
Meanwhile, it may be that such susceptibility, which makes this or that are considered as susceptible, is due to a question already of the personality that accompanies the person in her life as a consequence of experiences or teachings, or that arises from a certain event, for For example, after a joke that may not go down well, that left her hurt and then in any situation or opinion she will feel touched or attacked.
Roughly, susceptible people are often very emotionally fragile and have a self-esteem very low, feeling the imperative need to always be the center of attention in the context in which they find themselves.
Almost always those who are susceptible and not in response to a specific fact, have been the subject of a education very demanding, in which those positive issues were not highlighted but only the errors, especially crushing these.
So the consequence of this will be the no acceptance criticism, comments, even when they are made with the best intention, because who they are susceptible, the sayings, comments, observations, will wander incessantly through the head, acting almost as a modality of torture. Inevitably, they will be misinterpreted, they even usually respond with some aggression, in the most extreme cases.
The treatment of this type of condition is difficult and much more if there is no acceptance. In the case of having it, what is advised is to try not to stay thinking about what is harmful, but to look ahead and try to gradually increase self-esteem.
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