Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2012
The term easy is frequently used in our language Everyday, although, it is not always used in the same sense since it has several meanings.
When something that we do or that we have to specify requires very little effort, work, skill and practically a scarce participation of our intelligence, the usual thing is that we designate it as easy. Generally, we use this sense of the term at the behest of problems that we must find a solution satisfactory, tasks, activities or practical work that we have to do, either in the school, at home, or in any other context. The test was very easy, I sure passed. I can't believe how easy it was to change the furniture's patina.
On the other hand, the word easy is used to account for what can occur or happen most likely, that is, when it is almost certain that something will happen, or that something will emerge with speed, we can refer to it through the word easy. It is easy for tomorrow's meeting to be suspended since Maria usually changes her appointments from one moment to the next. It's easy for us to get to town at midnight.
Also, when something or someone stands out for their meekness, meekness and submission it will be spoken in terms of easy. Although it may not seem because of his grumpy tendency, my grandfather is very easy to get along, they will get along very well together, I'm sure.
Meanwhile, in the language colloquial when the word easy is applied to the csexual behavior exhibited by a person, especially a woman, it is described as easy. I mean, the easy woman she allows herself to be seduced without presenting any kind of endurance and then to everything that the opposite sex proposes to her, she will answer affirmatively. Cheer up with Laura, she has the easy yes.
Themes in Easy