Definition of Reconstructed Family
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Dec. 2017
It is understood by family reconstructed or reconstituted one that is formed by an adult couple in which at least one of the two members has a child from a previous relationship. It could be said that it is the creation of a new family from an existing one.
Regarding the causes that explain the phenomenon of the reconstructed family, two can be highlighted: an increase significant increase in the number of divorces and a more permissive and open mentality when it comes to understanding the family.
General characteristics of this family model
In order for a family to be rebuilt, it is necessary that a previous family break up beforehand. This break can occur for several reasons: separation or divorce or the death of one of the spouses.
The formation of a new family model is not subject to fixed criteria. In this sense, there are several possibilities that exist:
1) a man and a woman and one of them brings a child from their previous relationship,
2) a man and a woman unite sentimentally, each contributing a child of the bond affective previous,
3) two men or two women who form a family with a child born from another relationship and
4) a marriage with one or more children from previous marriages who live with common children of the new couple.
It must be taken into account that in these cases the figures stepfather and stepmother, who are not part of the family traditional.
The new reconstituted family can generate some imbalance in the relationships between its members: problems between the child and the stepfather or stepmother, tensions between the children of different parents, the interference of previous spouses, the question of loyalty of the children to the absent father or mother or the rejection of the children to the new partner.
In general, they require a period of adaptation to the new situation.
Some keys to living in harmony
As in the traditional family, it is desirable that there be economic stability and strong emotional ties. On the other hand, it is convenient that the reconstituted families have their legal situation resolved. As is logical, the possible imbalances between its members can be solved with a lot of communication Y affected.
It is very convenient that in relationships in the new home do not speak negatively of the father or mother who is not present.
If family tensions do not disappear, you can resort to specialized psychological therapy on reconstituted families.
Photo: Fotolia - zinkevych
Themes in Reconstructed Family