Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Carmen Lorenz, in Jul. 2009
We refer to faith as the safety or confidence that we have in certain people, situations, philosophies, opinions or doctrines. We can also define it as hope in those things that we do not see, but that we know to be true, even though they are not supported by evidence. More than desires, it may in some way resemble a belief, although not entirely, since a belief is rooted in the mind, while faith is lodged in the heart. We act in faith when we have no guarantee or certainty that something will happen. It is an expression of a longing that goes beyond the conscious mind.
It is designated with the term of Faith to the firm and absolute conviction that a person has about a certain thing being true or true. Both factors that will determine the veracity of our Faith are, on the one hand and in the first place, those elements in which it has been decided to trust and on the other hand and secondly, the agreement between what is corroborated with what is obtained.
According to experts in various areas of knowledge, the human being has an innate need to believe in something superior to himself, in response to what he cannot explain rational
The term Faith has a special meaning and belief in a religious context, since faith, for For example, in religious doctrine, it is seen and understood as a virtue that observes or should observe good Christian. Faith for Christianity or for any other religion is that inner force that allows man submit to the worst situations and take them to these in favor of the religious group that he represents on behalf of God. He who observes faith in his being will not only be able to put others on his side, but also lead them to achieve the common goal proposed by God.
There are very important reasons why we need faith in our life and they are independent of religion that each one professes, since it is well known that all doctrines or philosophies share benefits universal.
The original expression of the human heart
When we are born, we function through the heart, not the mind. When we started our formal education, the mind takes over and the heart is relegated to the background, so our life is governed through the intellect, logic. We ask ourselves why and how things happen and we always find the answers on an intellectual level, but certain events cannot be understood or analyzed by the intelligence, just for the heart. The heart is always looking for support, security, compassion, love, and affection. The mind can think and aim for good things, but easily deviate from them.
Faith makes us better people
Most would agree that faith makes us better. All religions share the idea of ​​supporting each other and encourage us to give our best to others. Almost all types of faith promote kindness, caring, and love for others and motivate us to do good works for others, as we grow as human beings.
Believe in ourselves
Faith gives meaning to our lives. It is the core of who we are and the foundation of our belief system. Many people generally associate faith with belief in some god or deity, but in reality it is much more. It is trusting that we will achieve our dreams because we work to make it so; It is the certainty that we will always be happy, because we deserve it and we do what we love.
We have the ability to achieve anything we set out to do, but if we don't have confidence in ourselves, we can hardly do it. Self belief begins with a high self-esteem and an optimistic attitude to any challenge that arises. We will also have to be very clear about what we want to achieve and work hard on it. It is important not to get confused: having faith does not imply that things will come automatically, it is necessary to make an effort to make them happen.
On the other hand, throughout our lives we will face adverse situations and it is important to have faith in our ability to resolve them. As an example we can take those cases in which a sick person who has been evicted, recovers in an "inexplicable" way for doctors.
Faith in ourselves, in others and in a higher being, needs to be nurtured with responsibility, to get stronger.
Photos: iStock - baona / Irina Behr
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