Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2011
We understand by fertility the capacity that a man or a woman (as well as a male or a female) can have to reproduce and to generate beings that maintain the traits of the species to which they belong. Fertility occurs from the possession of normal fertility parameters, that is, from being able to have offspring. In more metaphorical terms, the word fertility is also used to designate the ability of a person to produce elements or works from her intellect, her skill, from his force (for example when it is said that the work of a director from movie theater "it is very fruitful").
The notion of fertility can be approached from two different but related sciences. In the first place, the idea of fertility refers us mainly to the biology as a science that studies the life of living beings on this planet. Thus, fertility is understood as the natural capacity that these living beings have to reproduce and create new beings that follow their genes. Fertility may in some cases need to be stimulated if individuals do not have the natural ability to procreate. Today, the studies and development of alternatives for human infertility has created a myriad of methods that have to alleviate complications and provide people with the closest possible elements to fertility complete.
The other science to which the term fertility can be related is demography. In this sense, the notion of fertility is also related to the social aspects that mark life in communities. This concerns not only the human being but also the animals, which are studied and analyzed in the group to which they belong to know statistical data in the same way as what is done with man. Fertility understood in demographic terms is an interesting piece of data that allows us to know how a population advances and grows. population in numerical terms, if the females give birth to many or few offspring, etc., and then relate these data to the quality of life of that particular society or community.
Fertility Issues