Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2014
The term firewall It is of English origin and in recent years it has acquired a very special use in the field of computing and by case is that even in spite of belonging to another language the word firewall has been incorporated into the Spanish language and is used as its own, in the jargon of users and computer technicians. Your translation literal to language Castilian would be firewall.
The firewall is a device that is configured with certain standards and following certain criteria and that is part of a system or network that is designed to flatly prevent unauthorized access and in return it does allow communications that are authorized.
So, mostly, the firewall is intended for users of Internet that are not authorized to enter some private networks, especially intranets.
For example, each of the messages that enter and leave an intranet, for example, will go through the firewall to be examined, and those who are considered intruders because they do not meet the established criteria will be blocked. It will also block those applications that have been appropriately prohibited from entering.
Now, it should be noted that the firewall provides correct protection to any network, although, should not be considered as infallible and sometimes it is necessary to incorporate more conditions and elements into the safety to make it stronger.
By case is that the firewall will not be able to counteract: those attacks that do not pass through it, the negligent action of its own users, virus that enter through software or files.
Regarding the configuration of the firewall to achieve maximum security, there are two basic policies, the politics restrictive, which will prevent the passage of everything that is not allowed and therefore each service that is needed must be enabled; and on the other hand the policeman permissive, which, on the contrary to the previous one, will allow the transit of everything except what has been prohibited. To possible danger it will be isolated on a case-by-case basis and the rest of the information will be allowed.
Obviously the restrictive policy is the one that will offer us better security.