Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2009
The Forum It was a very important public space in the physiognomy and layout of Roman cities since financial activities took place there. commercial, religious, administrative, social and economic aspects of the city, that is, everything important and everything that happened in the city happened in the forum. Business, trials, worship of the Roman gods and the most relevant of life politics was passing through the forum.
Forum origins
At the beginning, the forum was simply a market that was located at the entrance of the city and did not have much incidence because it was considered outside the city limits, meanwhile, in the 8th century BC. acquires greater relevance and it was fully integrated into the activity of the city, to the point of spending almost all the relevant activities in he.
As the center of everything, in the forum were located all the institutions and more important buildings, such is the case of the temple, the basilica, the elections, the
file, the curia, among others. In the 3rd century BC it was decided to close the forums through porticoes.For those who like to find comparisons, we should say that the forum knew how to be the antecedent of the public squares that populate large cities today.
A place of enormous architectural and tourist value
For its part, the archaeological ruins of that complex of constructions are known as the Roman Forum that has been used by several centuries of Ancient Rome with the objectives mentioned above. As its name says, the Roman Forum is located in the city of Rome and is one of the most outstanding and captivating elements at the level tourist of this Italian city since it is a very important part of western history as well as a beautiful place natural.
The Roman Forum is located between the Palatine and Capitoline mountains and is made up of a significant number of ruins of different buildings that were located in the place and that were the center of Roman life many, many years ago behind. It is estimated that building of some of these buildings can be taken back to the days when the city of Rome was founded (it is that is, in the 8th century B.C.), at which time the first Roman institutions began to settle.
Seat of the most important institutions of the Roman state
The Roman Forum was the seat of those institutions that were dedicated to political tasks, mainly the Senate and the different assemblies or magistracies that existed in specific periods of the Roman history. In addition, many of the buildings that are part of the complex were built later to demonstrate the greatness of some emperors.
Most important constructions
Among these buildings we find three main types of constructions: temples in honor of gods or in honor of figures important policies, basilicas and arches, also in honor of certain characters. We must mention the temples of Saturn, Venus, Caesar, Romulus, those of Vespasian and Titus among others. The arches are those of Septimius Severus, Titus, Tiberius and Augustus (all Roman emperors). In addition, other buildings that complete this great complex are the Tabular, the Rostra (platform to give and listen speeches), the Curia Hostilia (where the Senate was based and made perhaps the most important political decisions of all Rome).
The current ruins of the Roman Forum are crossed by streets and paths that connected the different buildings. Some of them are at a higher altitude than others and there are also numerous green spaces in the place.
Without a doubt and without fear of exaggeration, the Roman Photo and the Colosseum are the two most important constructions that the old one made. civilization Roman and that to this day continue to arouse praise and astonishment by the superlative level of planning and construction.
Themes in Roman Forum