Definition of Front to Victory (FPV)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2016
The Front for Victory (FPV) is the grouping politics that ruled the Argentine Republic for the last twelve years, until December 10, 2015, when the end of the presidential term of Cristina Fernández takes place de Kirchner, who had governed for two consecutive periods (2007-2011 and 2011-2015) and assumes as president Mauricio Macri belonging to another party: the alliance Let's change.
The FPV was born in 2003 to accompany Néstor Kirchner in the presidential election, which in those days was electorally measured, among others, with former president Carlos Menem. It is basically made up of leaders from the Justicialist Party or Peronism, plus the accompaniment of other political forces such as the communism, humanism, radicalism and socialism.
When Menem steps down from the presidential ballot, Kirchner is anointed president and from then on the FPV becomes the ruling party in Argentina.
With a Peronist and Kirchnerist imprint
We must emphasize that having been born with the presidency of Néstor Kirchner, this party is strongly associated with his
ideology and also to whoever was his wife, former president Cristina Fernández. To the movement The politician that this marriage generated in so many years in the Argentine power is called Kirchnerism and for example the orientation of the FPV is fundamentally Kirchnerist.The main characteristics of the FPV's ideology are in line with those of Kirchnerism: a policy of defense of the human rights, especially those raped during the last military dictatorship (1976); alignment with those nations of Latin America of a populist nature such as Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, opposition to the neoliberalism, and a combative tendency especially against those who do not agree with their proposals, among them political opposition and the press that has not been condescending with their leaders.
First Néstor Kirchner, and then on the death of this Cristina Kirchner, are considered his inspiring and maximum political leaders
At present, although after the electoral change the group lost the majority that it knew how to have in the National Congress, the FPV, it has 40 senators and 95 deputies. The president of the Block in the Chamber of Deputies is Héctor Recalde and in that of Senators is Miguel Pichetto.
Photos: iStock - ad_krikorian / Niyazz
Issues in Front for Victory (FPV)