Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2014
The term flushometer It does not have a recurring use in our language, much less, however and paradoxically, it is an element that we use very frequently in our daily lives since it is the mechanism that is normally present in toilets and that facilitates the flushing of the Water once people evacuate.
The force of that water flow is designed in such a way that the waste humans reach the drain and in this way the toilet reappears clean as before the evacuation.
Basically, then, the functions of the flushometer in the toilet are two, on the one hand, to allow that flow of water to flow, and on the other to measure its intensity.
The flow of an element like water is certainly indispensable in a space of the house such as the bathroom, not only because we use it to wash ourselves, wash our hands several times a day but also because of the exposed, because it is necessary to do to run human waste such as fecal matter and urine.
Undoubtedly the toilet is an artifact present in every space in which human beings travel or live and although we rarely think about it its presence and its correctness
functioning It is very important for the hygiene. Because otherwise let's think about the hygienic problems that would be generated if it did not exist or if it does not work properly.The flow of water that allows the flushometer to run is what allows the aforementioned waste to be transferred to the corresponding pipes and drains.
The procedure is so sophisticated and is specially designed to avoid the bad odors that these wastes have per se. then once the clean water is brought to them there is a special closure that prevents bad odors from entering the environment.
There are two types of flushometers, a manual one, which works when the Username It is activated by operating the lever or button that starts the water flush into the toilet. Once the water level has dropped to the optimum level for the system to shut down, the discharge is interrupted.
And on the other hand, the automatic flushometer has a sensor that determines the proximity of the person and then when there is no no one nearby is not active but it is activated automatically when the person who evacuated into the toilet move away.
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