Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2010
![photonews photonews](/f/88dbd73eaeee7c92709a9d4c4ede7f21.jpg)
Photograph published in graphic media of high newsworthy value
Undoubtedly, the tremendous value that we attribute to the image today is responsible for the appearance of new tools and concepts at the request of the media. communication massive, and one of them is the one that concerns us today, Photonoticia.
Photonews is that Photography that a mediagraphic, such is the case of a Newspaper, publishes, and is characterized by the impact that it is capable of awakening in readers regardless of the text that accompanies it. That is to say, the shocking load of the image is such that the accompanying text does not exceed it.
Accompanied by a short text
Generally, the text that accompanies the photonews is longer than the one that is placed on a traditional photo in the newspaper, because of course, the photonews is capable per se of expressing the information in a concrete way and overwhelming.
In other words, the Photonoticia is an image that even, without the corresponding accompaniment of information, that is, a note, an article, shows all ways informative validity by itself as a consequence of the forcefulness presented by the fact or the person who is portrayed in it, because basically in a Photonoticia what stands out is the graphic fact and therefore the text that could be attached is no longer relevant, the image only represents the value news.
Unlike the traditional, a long text accompanied by a rather small illustrative photograph that has a caption of a very specific line, for example, in a note about the president of the United States, the normal thing is that under it the name of Barack Obama simply appears and he realizes his participation or presence in this or that place, in the photonews, the recurring thing is captions much more long, 15 lines maximum and also includes a title that may not exceed the line of composition. Meanwhile, since it is a photo that already implies a news event, it will not be necessary that the title in question be informative, thus allowing greater freedom when choosing the title in question.
Impact and inform at the same time
The objective of any newspaper article is to present the reader with current information that is capable of satisfactorily informing him of a fact. Traditionally, the photo was used to accompany the note, while, as we already pointed out at the beginning, in the era of image, photography took on an unprecedented value, which in many cases even surpasses any word or speculation when respect.
For example, it is that the photonews must always be impressive and represent the fact that it informs so that the reader can achieve through it all the information flow.
The main advantage attributed to it by its cultivators is that the photo news is irrefutable proof of the event or event that is portrayed. In addition, the emotional impact on the reader will be much more important.
Although the photo news consists of a single photograph, a sequence of photos can also be presented if the event warrants it.
Although although he did not invent the informative modality of photonews in the media graph, because in fact it has been used for a long time in various newspapers around the world, the Spanish newspaper El PaĆs, with a long history in the Spanish press, it was the first newspaper to use this concept and, of course, also responsible for its popularization.
On the other hand, the news set, that is, the photograph, plus its caption and title, are generally usually included within a box embraced by two fillets horizontally, which will delimit their space and also help to highlight their presence within the page.
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